<p>now if i just get into yale, 2008 will be complete :)</p>
<p>now if i just get into yale, 2008 will be complete :)</p>
<p>i was thinking the exact same thing
obama and yale.</p>
<p>^ two great things!</p>
<p>i definitely agree. :]</p>
<p>Disagreed but politics is neither here nor there. Ron Paul has my vote.</p>
<p>I hope this Rahm Emmanuel chief of staff news is just a rumor. That would be a poor way to start things.</p>
<p>Sec of State: Richardson
Sec of Defense: Hagel
EPA: Rob Kennedy Jr.</p>
<p>Let’s hope.</p>
<p>I sure hope Hagel is Sec of Defense. Would be a good show of bipartisanship especially considering the 20 percent of voters who considered national security their biggest issue, 90+ percent voted McCain.</p>
<p>Heh, Rahm is the one thing I’m HAPPY about. Proof that all this unity crap isn’t really going down; I’m partisan, and I like my Democrats that way. =P (And Hagel is a nightmare. Shudder.)</p>
<p>Extremely proud of our country - wonderful to witness history being made!</p>
<p>I am afraid of Rahm Emanuel. He is a scary, scary man. I am sure he is capable and well-qualified, but I would like to be in the same room as him and a sharp object.</p>
<p>Go… McCain… :'-(</p>
<p>Obama and Yale, the two loves of my life</p>
<p>I think Rahm was a good choice. Your chief of staff isn’t supposed to be nonpartisan or bipartisan. I think what it shows is that Obama is not going to let Congress push him around, and that he won’t fall into the same traps as Jimmy Carter by surrounding himself with non-Washington insiders. I think the Congressional Democrats are going to try and veer to the left once his presidency starts and Obama will keep that from happening.</p>
<p>Heh, I hope he doesn’t get in the way of a veer to the left; I’ve been praying for one for years now. But then, I’m a flaming leftist. ;)</p>
<p>I didn’t support Obama, but now that he will be President, I hope that he can live up to his whole “different kind of politician” thing and reach across the aisle and pick Repubs and Democrats and the whole 9 yards for his cabinet.
I think he will, but I sure hope that he won’t become the freshmen senator that became President by accident that got pushed around by his senior Democrat cabinet.</p>
<p>Rahm is a great choice for Obama’s COS. Read “The Thumpin’” by Naftalit Bendavid and you’ll come away quite impressed with they guy.</p>