Decision: Denied/Academic Expectations

<p>I received the following application decision:</p>

<p>Denied/Academic Expectations: Applicant denied. Does not meet the academic expectations for the requested program of study. </p>

<p>Does this mean that I'm flatout rejected??</p>

<p>I applied for undeclared accounting in the school of management, which I am regretting. My priority is to get into Purdue, regardless of the major. I would like Purdue to review my application again for undeclared or some other major.</p>

<p>Can someone please give me some advice on what to do? I really would love to attend Purdue.</p>

<p>I don’t think you have been offered other options. You would need Denied/Offer Other WL to get the other program options.
I might be completely wrong though.</p>

<p>You could always apply for Spring 2012. Reapply undeclared for Spring 2012.</p>

<p>sleepandrun is correct. It would have stated if another option was being offered. Re-applying for spring may be a good idea if you really want to go to Purdue.</p>

<p>Actually both of the top two answers are wrong. I recently received the same decision and I decided to talk to a councilor about it on the phone. Basically they told me I didn’t meet the requirements but they could easily accept me into a different field if i wished. He(or she) will ask you about what else you would like to do and tell you your choices. For me he told me if I applied through the College of Liberal Arts or College of Technology they would automatically accept me. He was nice enough to even write a note on my record telling the board to accept me when they receive my reconsideration forms. Don’t lose hope just yet, and give the admissions office a call during 8-5 PM Eastern time.</p>

<p>Denied/Offer Alternate: Applicant denied program to which they applied but offered other program at West Lafayette. Decision letter will provide detail about contacting Admissions to discuss other options.
^I believe that is the decision you are discussing, krndragon.</p>

<p>Denied/Academic Expectations: Applicant denied. Does not meet the academic expectations for the requested program of study.
^This is what jeremy93 received, though.</p>

<p>I guess you could call, jeremy93, but let us know the outcome.</p>

<p>@sleeprun: Like I said, I received the same exact decision as him: Denied/Academic Expectations: Applicant denied. Does not meet the academic expectations for the requested program of study.
I was rejected from engineering because my GPA couldn’t stand up to the competition but they said my SAT scores were high enough to warrant me a place in liberal arts (where GPA is pretty low) or technology (No idea on GPA levels).</p>

<p>Interesting. Why do they have two different categories then? Weird.</p>

<p>Well best of luck then, jeremy93!</p>

<p>Just an update to everyone who got a Denied/Academic Expectations status. I just got accepted today after i sent in my reconsideration papers by fax on tuesday:
Admission Term: Fall 2011
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Offer Admission - Reconsidered</p>

<p>Good luck to the rest of you!</p>

<p>That’s amazing, Congratulations ! </p>

<p>so what was you’re reasoning, like what was you’re approach to make them reconsider ? if you want to share that of course :)</p>

<p>Well I was actually surprised myself since when it asked me if I had any new compelling information, I simply wrote that writing anything else not already written in my first application would be nothing more than an excuse. I’m thinking they took the time to re-read my first application, which contained information to why my GPA was so low, why I want to be accepted, etc. I did write around 800 words on why I attended Purdue however. </p>

<p>Also, if you talk to a counselor on the phone after you receive this decision, he/she will most likely tell you which majors you will almost always be accepted in. The one I talked to even told me that he wrote a note on my record telling the board to lean towards accepting me! So always give a call first, and hope for the best.</p>