Urgent .. PLease

<p>Denied/Academic Expectations: Applicant denied. Does not meet the academic expectations for the requested program of study.</p>

<p>I am an International Student. </p>

<p>Can I still get in for Fall 2010 ?.</p>

<p>I had not given my TOEFL (which is the main reason) ... so what do I do ? </p>

<p>I sent my SAT score even before I had the intentions of applying. Which got me in to trouble my SAT CR+M = 1040 (420 CR) ... for which I wasnt prepared.</p>

<p>I am really worried . I really want to get in to Purdue.</p>

<p>From the Purdue website:</p>

The Admissions Committee doesn’t make a deny decision until an application has been thoroughly reviewed by at least three staff members. Therefore, an appeal must include new and compelling academic or personal information that has not been provided previously. </p>

<p>To appeal a deny decision, students must submit a request reconsideration form and provide supporting documentation. The request must be submitted by the applicant. An appeal should clearly identify the reason for the request; provide new, compelling information; and should not simply repeat information that was provided originally.</p>

<p>Appeals should be submitted as quickly as possible and will be evaluated individually by the Admissions Committee. Students can appeal an admission decision only once, and all appeal decisions are final. Depending on the time of year, a decision on the appeal may take several weeks.</p>

<p>Hope that helps! Good Luck!</p>

<p>I guess you should send your TOEFL score asap and then contact the admissions committee and request an appeal stating why you didn’t send the score, etc. That is if your TOEFL score was the reason you got denied, if it was your academics then not much you can do unless you had a reason for not doing well such as a death or something in the family.</p>

<p>See. . What happened in my case is that , My whole profile is complete , including my grades which are above the requirements for Indian students . The only criteria I do not fulfill is the English proficiency . Which was to be fulfilled by March 2010. </p>

<p>A year ago when I had written my SAT , my scores were sent to Purdue , which is the reason why my App was complete and I got in to the Early response program. I basically did not want to send in my SAT scores. </p>

<p>How and where do I appeal ? … Should I sned them a mail ? … I tried calling but they are close on Saturday and Sunday and Mail will take its own time. </p>

<p>My TOEFL test date is Dec 20 2009</p>

<p>I’d call them on Monday, just don’t delay the call too long. If you can’t call them Monday then call them this week preferably faster. Tell them of your situation and I’m sure they’d explain to you the procedures. It’s best to get information like this directly from Admissions.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the advice. I will surely call them on Monday . </p>

<p>Is there a chance that the University will accept me ? </p>

<p>Purdue is where I want to go !</p>

<p>To be honest, I’m not sure. If you got a 420 on CR and a 1040 in terms of M/CR then that means you got a 620 on M. It is to be honest quite low if you were applying for Krannert or Engineering. Ask them if you could apply for the Undergraduate Studies Program, may give you a better chance.</p>

<p>But , I am an international student and they do not require SAT from me ! . Also my grades are much higher than what they want from Indian curriculum students. My class mate has been accepted with equal school grades , no SAT and 99 TOEFL iBT. </p>

<p>My SAT score wasn’t meant to be sent to the university … It is one mistake that I regret . </p>

<p>I am writing the TOEFL this month and I will hopefully cross 100. </p>

<p>Are there cases like me that get accepted in the university . I am really worried …</p>

<p>Jimgotkp … since you are currently in Purdue … can you please enquire and let me know (I know it is a lot to ask … but I haven’t slept for two days and purdue is my only hope … please ! )</p>

<p>If you want to go to Purdue so badly-stop wasting time on CC and get on the Purdue website. All the information you need is there. Fill out the reconsideration form and gather all your documents to send in.
You cannot call or email. Please see below from the Purdue website. Good luck.</p>

<p>Applications are reviewed on an individual and holistic basis. First and foremost, applicants must be prepared academically for the rigors of college and the academic demands specific to the Purdue college, school, or program to which they are seeking admission. Some of the factors used in the individual review of each application include:
 Successful completion of high school subject matter expectations
 Core grade point average for academic subjects (English, academic math, laboratory science, social studies, and foreign language)
 Strength of student’s overall curriculum
 Standardized test scores (SAT or ACT)
 Trends in academic achievement
 Additional information provided by the applicant
 Space availability in the program and time of year the student applied
Regretfully, due to the competitive nature of many Purdue University programs, we are not able to offer admission to every qualified freshman applicant. You may request reconsideration of your deny decision only if you have new and compelling information that was not included in your original application. In order to appeal your deny decision you must complete all of the steps outlined below. Please keep these factors in mind:
 Appeals must be made in writing—not by phone or e-mail.
 Appeals must be made by the applicant.
 Appeals must include new and compelling academic or personal information not previously reported.
 The appeal form and all supporting documents must be submitted together.
 Only one appeal will be accepted and the resulting decision will be considered final.
 Deadline: Appeals must be received by May 1 for fall applicants</p>

<p>I’m actually not at Purdue anymore. I can’t really do much like you. I would still give them a call and tell them about what happened. I thought Int’ls had to take the SAT also since I know a lot of Koreans that took the SAT’s who came to Purdue and other schools.</p>

<p>No you don’t have to take the SAT/ACT if you are international, it’s confirmed on their office of international admission website. </p>

<p>Sending the SAT scores is a huge mistake. Get 100+ on TOEFL to redeem yourself or you really have a slim chance.</p>

<p>Just saying… Purdue is in West Lafayette, Indiana. As a hoosier myself, I feel I have the right to defame Purdue for, if nothing else, the 10 days of sunshine it receives each year. Maybe this is an act of god? haha good luck though man</p>

<p>Just saying, I’m taking a AP HUMAN GEO TEST tomorrow first period. Its 2:29 and I’m still study…that was irrelevant.</p>

<p>HI Guys I think I am in the same boat,however I am an international. I do not have a terrible GPA ( it is something related to 2.7 to 3.0, because we do not measure the GPA with the same standards). I called them and they said the only academic expectation I did not meet was a Calculus course for the Economics major( the Economics is one new major), however in my university I complete a course that had the same syllabus that most Calculus course present( it covers integration), but was not called Calculus . The admission counselour recommend me to send her this syllabus and she said they will evaluate if there was a correspond, she said me as I applied early they could deffer or appeal my decision. Do you think I have chances to be admitted?</p>