Decision info *news*

<p>I asked my college counselor today and he’s a former A&M student. Evidently the reason it takes so long is because of the fact that they’re waiting for replies for who denied their acceptance offers; opening up more slots for students. Not exactly sure at this point what the decisions will be anymore.</p>

<p>I haven’t noticed anyone posting about being wait-listed this year at A&M. My son’s HS counselor told me that last year, none of the wait-listed kids from his school were admitted. It could be that A&M isn’t wait-listing this year and whatever new process they’re using isn’t easy for them to manage. I feel the same way coachwat. Even if my son does get in, at this point there’s no place to live.</p>

<p>Not being a part of the “Aggie” cult, I have a hard time with them yanking kids around like this, promising that decisions will be updated by a certain date then not following through. I’m an educator with almost 30 years experience and if we did this to kids at the high school level, there would be you know what to pay!!! I understand competition as much as the next person, but as soon as I can convince my daughter this isn’t the only place to go, we will move on. University of Oklahoma, here we come!!!</p>

<p>We went to visit A&M on Spring Break. Before the tour they had a short admissions video with a counselor and he said they did not have a wait list this year.</p>

<p>honestly, this year is better than past years. in past years, blinn team would not get notified until may/june.</p>

<p>Ok…let me make sure I haven’t totally messed this up. We just moved to TX a year ago, which is a huge part of why were where were at…I didn’t know about this whole top 10% and we moved from 4.0 non weighted school to 7.0 weighted school. That being said my son was accepted into his second choice school in Dec. I have done nothing with regards to acceptance or housing because I was told you don’t accept, and then if you get in somewhere else, withdraw…but now being down to the wire I feel like if we don’t hurry and accept 2nd choice he won’t get the housing he wants. Can you accept one school and then withdraw?? What have the rest of you done with regards to second choice schools?</p>

<p>accepting this late may not get you the housing you want at any school.</p>

<p>you can accept at one school and then withdraw (and lose your enrollment deposit).</p>

<p>my daughter’s plan was a&m or blinn, once housing filled, we went ahead and got her an apartment. that way she is all set for either a&m or blinn.</p>

<p>The good thing about some schools is you can put a deposit down and get it back if you put a letter in writing before May 1. We know that is the case with Oklahoma. Again, it is ridiculous how long it is taking.</p>

<p>From what I understand, it is perfectly okay to put a deposit down and sign-up for housing at one school, and then withdraw that if you change your mind and decide to go somewhere else. What is considered wrong is to simultaneously have acceptances and deposits at two or more schools. It happens all the time that kids get off of wait lists throughout the summer and change their mind on where they would like to go. You should absolutely go ahead and have your plan B in place at this late date!</p>

<p>I echo to put a deposit down elsewhere as a back up. Housing fills up at many campuses. We put a deposit down at OU and then A&M last fall (once we decided on A&M in early December got the OU deposit back) </p>

<p>I do know that in the past A&M has had a wait list and kids waited til mid May for acceptances. Does not sound like that is happening this year.</p>

<p>I agree with others that you should move on plan B because yes, many schools allow you to put a deposit for housing down and give you a deadline to withdraw. We put deposit $$ on housing for UT-SA a couple of weeks ago because we didn’t want to miss out on Honors housing. We have until May 1st to withdraw with only a $25.00 penalty. Also, there is a thread exchanging similar info, “Review admits decisions” for review applicants who are still waiting on a decision. Like my son. Still Waiting. We’ve not received any emails from A&M regarding remaining reviews going before the director of admissions like someone else posted on that thread.</p>

<p>What does it mean when you can no longer change your major? Anything or nothing!!!</p>

<p>We have heard as 12:52 today and it was PSA. She was top 15% in her class with a 3.6 unweighted and 4.5 weighted. Just for your info. Good luck to all who are still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>Just got accepted to Blinn Team at 1:45. It’s a relief to know I can move on. </p>

<p>Good luck to the rest of you still waiting.</p>

<p>Blinn Team!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you guys. At this point y’all s good news give me some sort of hope…</p>

<p>Congrats! For us it’s been another day, another unknown decision. If it’s a no, the wait will have softened the blow. My son told me today that he is fine if he doesn’t get full acceptance and that he’s not that excited about the other A&M options. He received good $$ from Trinity and UCBoulder and we are touring one more school in April before his final decision. You guys will just have to gig’em for us. And I know you will.</p>

<p>My S is back in town after a 4 day school trip and he got accepted to the Blinn Team. A&M changed his major from aerospace engineering to undergraduate studies. Both Embry-Riddle and WPI have accepted him and he’s waitlisted at RPI, all schools where he can start in AE. Good luck to everbody.</p>

<p>@Rewards - it is time for your student to really evaluate student life at those colleges. They have nothing in common except for the offering of an AE degree and his college experience will differ considerably. You do spend time outside the classroom, being miserable for four years isn’t fun for anyone.</p>