Decision info *news*

<p>A&M is releasing info tomorrow (thursday) and friday. I am told that they are all blinn and psa offers since yesterday. This news is most accurate for freshman admissions. SOURCE: I emailed them</p>

<p>As in the Team program?</p>

<p>Yes as in the blinnteam</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything today??? Thought for sure we would have heard something by now…</p>

<p>No, I have still not heard anything. I am a transfer for summer 2012 and I am still on step 3!!!</p>

<p>We called OAR yesterday and they said all incoming freshman notifications were being mailed out yesterday. We are still on Step 3 this morning. Ughhhh</p>

<p>Anyone else still on Step 3???</p>

<p>My son is also STILL on Step 3. For weeks I’ve read other posts on here that A&M said we would be notified by the …“end of February”…“before Spring Break”…“within the next 2 weeks”… “by the end of Spring Break”…by “Monday or Thursday of this week”. Now it’s, “letters were mailed out yesterday”. I understand that last year the BlinnTeamers and the wait-lister applicants weren’t notified until late April/early May. That ran in to the May 1st deposit deadlines of other schools so that wait must have been even more grueling than this year’s nail biter. I’m not practiced in the art of patience so even a “…we regret we can’t offer you admission at this time” response will offer a sigh of relief and we can move on.</p>

<p>Still waiting…:(</p>

<p>Completely ridiculous. We applied way back in early Sept '11. UT has done a much better job of evaluating and communicating to prospects. We called again this morning and here is what we where told…As of Wed, about 1200 applicants remained. 600 of those where sent letters and AIS was updated. The remaining 600 should be updated by end of today. Not holding my breath…as this is about the 10th time we have been told something like this or similar. Not sure if there are any BLINN Team or Gateway slots open anymore…and if so…cant see why the holdup in relaying info.</p>

<p>Trying to be optimistic, but don’t you think if it were 600 “no’s”, they’d just have a generic…thanks but no thanks and put us out of our misery? I’m a little nervous that one has been told letters went out yesterday and another that ais will update today…I was really hoping for an end to this by the weekend…fingers crossed!!</p>

<p>Isn’t it just wild to think that out of “more than 31,000 students applying for admission to Texas A&M*” we are the last 600 kids to find out the decision? </p>

<p>*according to the email we got from A&M on March 3rd.</p>

<p>I applied back in October, and have yet to hear a thing. I too, am wondering what is in store for all of us still waiting. Every single one of my friends that applied have either been accepted/denied/or blinn team-gateway. You would think if it was a flat out denial, they wouldn’t waste their time, and the letters would have already been sent. </p>

<p>It’s so frustrating. At this point, my future and college decision is at a standstill waiting on A&M. I can’t bring myself to “move on” without knowing the answer from them. How sad this may be, I just wish they’d send me a reject letter so I can start making some plans. </p>

<p>To any Junior’s interested in applying to A&M that may be reading this…my advice to you is STUDY HARD for the ACT and SAT. Make it a priority, and then you can have peace of mind when deciding on the school of your choice. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>my advice is to get the test score you need/want and APPLY EARLY! seems to me that those with review stats that apply early hear back and get good news at a greater rate than those who apply later in the game (octoberish).</p>

<p>Listen up children, I’m going to give you some advice. Don’t worry about your GPA, only your standardized test scores. I was in the bottom half of my class, but had 1400 SAT m+cr and 30 ACT and was automatically accepted. I guess they made a mistake, because on AIS my account said “Top Quarter (25%)”. And I was well into the bottom half of my class.</p>

<p>Still on 3? My son is. Crazy.</p>

<p>Just got a reply to an email I sent to an admission counselor a couple days ago. This is all he said…</p>

<p>“There are still many students who don’t have a decision yet. We hope to have everything out in the next 2-3 weeks.”</p>

<p>I pretty much died.</p>

<p>Still on step 3…
My son just checked and he’s still at step 3, just like the rest of you. He applied Sept. 2. </p>

<p>Juniors, submit your application on August 1. Get your recommendation letters done in May so you’re not waiting on them in August and September.</p>

<p>All 10 of the other colleges my son applied to have informed him of a decision. A&M is the last one. I’m thinking it will be the first week in April when he’ll hear back. At the A&M Galveston open house, one of the enrollment coordinators said they frequently “try” to stagger the weeks of the acceptance notifications, one week A&M College Station, the next A&M Galveston. The week of spring break was A&M Galveston.</p>

<p>Why would they say 2-3 weeks when I heard from them 3 days ago that it would be this week? This is crazy! My son has friends at other schools that want to have him as a room mate but he wants A&M so bad…not sure what to do, but can’t expect them to wait on us another 3 weeks…ugh…</p>

<p>if he wants a&m then you have to decide if he wants it bad enough to go to blinn instead. if so, then go ahead and make a decision on your own. if not, then keep waiting. at this point he cant live on campus anyway. </p>

<p>i would think that, by this time, there isn’t too much good news to look forward to.</p>

<p>I’m so extremely frustrated with this whole admissions process with A&M. I can’t believe that they don’t know who they want at their university and why it is taking so long. A “no” would allow my daughter to move on, a place I came to long ago with A&M. They would be lucky to have her yet, 4 other major universities have already figured this out. Is this normal for them? Will we ever find out and if she does get accepted, will she even have a place to live on campus?</p>