Decision on cane link

Don’t know if this was a glitch in the system but I got an acceptance message in cane link.

Really?? Congrats! Did you get an email first? @dietcokejm

@dietcokejm What were your stats if you don’t mind me asking?

May have been a glitch, I haven’t gotten anything.

It was an admissions letter dated January 29 congratulating me on my acceptance and asking me for additional financial information. It has appeared and disappeared several times.

Just on cane link. No email

@dietcokejm omg same thing happened to me, I got a communication message titled “scholarship agreement” and it says congratulations again on your admission to UM, you’ve always been awarded the presidential scholarship etc… So I think we got in?!

my decision is on!!! I got in with a presidential scholarship!

Hi Congrats!!. I have quick question about cane link. My son is a US Citizen living in India. He has applied EA and his to do list say A:Decision will Post 20th Feb. Does that mean the we will know about the decision on Post 20th Feb?

congrats!!! question: where did you go to get this message?
I’m kind of lost on canelink

The message is on the student center page on the right of the page under to do list in the middle

I haven’t seen any decision on my canelink yet, hopefully I won’t have to wait too much longer! The admissions office Twitter said decisions would be out at the end of January, so I have no idea what the February 20th thing is about…

@chloehudson98 I applied EA and I haven’t received my admissions decision either. Still crossing my fingers!

@koolkat12 I’m thinking tomorrow, Friday, or Monday! Maybe only the people who received certain merit scholarships or applicants they need more info from can see their decision right now.