EA Admission Decision?

U Miami says admissions decisions for early action should be out late January. Has anyone received anything in canelink/ postal mail?? I haven’t.

From what I know, people generally get an email saying their admission status is posted in canelink. Two people on here said they got either a financial aid package posted on canelink or their acceptance posted earlier, no email beforehand. They seem to have just been lucky to get a peek at their decision, maybe it was some sort of glitch. Someone else said they called the office today and they said the decisions should be out by feb 1st.

I just received notification in canelink that I was awarded the presidents scholarship so they could be letting you know anytime this week.

@flyl724 that’s great, congratulations! Would you mind telling me your stats? Maybe I can get an idea where I stand

Act 28
Sat subject area: math580 biology640
GPA 3.9
Rank 5/248
AP- Lang(5),Bio(3), Lit, Chem,Calc.

Junior Civitan-President
Key Club - V.P.
Junior Classical League-officer
National English Honor Society
School Newspaper

Girl Scout 12 years
300+community service hours
good recommendations