Declaring impacted majors at UCSD

Hey all,

I would consider a degree at UCSD but say if I get in, I’m nervous that I wouldn’t be able to get a major that I want! I am just curious about how declaring a major in Econ at UCSD would work. On their department page it says that

“All courses in the criteria must be completed, with grades posted, in order to request entrance to a major in the Department of Economics. Students will receive approval to declare a major in the department, only after the department has completed the review process to ensure that the grade criteria has been met.”

From this wording, I feel like all you need are the minimum requirements to be admitted to the major, because it says “approval to declare . . .after ensuring that grade criteria has been met [and no other additional screening mentioned]”. So I guess that’s my question. If you meet their minimum grade criteria, does that mean you are guaranteed? Thanks.

I believe that only applies to currently attending students who would like to change majors into Econ.
When doing your UC application sometime in the fall, simply select the major you want for that specific school and that’s it(Clarification: You could apply to UCSD as an Econ major but UCB or any other UC as either a different major(say chem) or the same major).

Applying to impacted majors means that you will need a higher GPA than others applying to non impacted majors in order to be accepted to that school.

Also if you are applying to an impacted/capped major select a non-impacted/non-capped major as your alternate.

Ok I get it thanks guys! Good advice