Decline Offer of Admissions

<p>How do I decline my offer of admissions? I've decided not to go to Pitt and no where in the info does it tell you what you need to do to let them know you aren't coming</p>

<p>There was no response card with the admissions packet? Hmmm.</p>

<p>Well, then I think you can just contact admissions and write or call them and let them know.</p>

<p>i couldn’t find one in my admissions packet. just a form that says yes i will enroll</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>That’s pretty confident of the University! You could write across it, in definte, larger letters, that you DECLINE to enroll. Or just wait until the deadline May 1st passes, too.</p>

<p>Still, when I wrote admissions about something last week they responded quickly and probably would do the same for you.</p>

<p>E-mail admissions office saying that you are informing them you will not be enrolling at their university due to enrolling at another university for the upcoming semester.</p>

<p>My email was literally one line:</p>

<p>I will not be enrolling at [University Name] for Fall 2008 (this was mine), I will be attending [University that I’m going to].</p>

<p>I’m assuming that since pitt doesn’t include directions on how to decline your offer of admissions, they don’t care, and will just assume you are declining after the admissions deadline.</p>