<p>I got deferred ed1 and I feel it's mainly due to my under-average sat scores. will retaking them in january help my decision in the regular admission pool? will these results reach the committee on time? the first time I took sats I got 1840, then 1930 (1330), so I think I'd get a higher score which would help, but.. any thoughts?</p>
<p>It’s not clear whether Jan results would reach committee on time; it’s just luck of the draw in terms of when they get to your app.
As to whether it’s worthwhile, I always think it’s worth taking them twice, but I have my doubts that a third shot would change your odds very much unless there is a really enormous improvement in scores. But to be honest, that’s just a gut reaction; maybe you can ask Dan to weigh in.</p>
<p>I’ll give you my two cents,</p>
<p>If you’ve taken them only twice – do take them again in January. That’s one piece of advice that guidance counselors give to deferred students. People will tell you that your score will not improve and that’s a possibility, but my method of studying for the December test date was radically different and adequately helpful. </p>
<p>You have a great SAT score already – 1330 is awesome. You can definitely, definitely improve your 600 in Writing to easily a 650-700. </p>
<p>What I suggest that you do to prepare is: </p>
<p>(1) Get the blue book for the SATs
(2) Get the online college board course. </p>
<p>Take as many of the writing tests that you can take. Once you take them frequently, you will easily grasp the error of the sentence and your scores will increase! </p>
<p>I also suggest going over the complicated looking math problems – as many as you can. Take tests even for that matter. This is what I did all of November – and I don’t know how much my score will improve but if you want more advice from me then Private Message me or just post here. </p>
<p>I’ll definitely let you know next month whether or not my score drastically improved. </p>
<p>Good luck! I have a feeling that taking the January test will help you too. You want to show them that you made effort to change the weak aspects of your application. You have a second chance through your deferral, and obviously they think that you have potential, so consider yourself lucky! Make sure you ask them if they will get the January tests scores in time – I am sure they will. Many schools allow the January test date.</p>
For RD (which ED1 is deferred to), the January test results will definitely make it in time. It would be good to email your regional rep to let him/her know that you retook it and that they should expect the results.
As far as whether or not you should retake them, I would say go for it. You really don’t have anything to lose and if you bring your score up another 100-200 points it may make a difference.</p>
<p>Yes, 100-200 points would most definitely make a difference.</p>
<p>well I hope so…
abkid the writing section probably wont go up past 600, the first time I took it I got a 520… however my math might go up, I got three lousy problems wrong which brought it down to 710 but I looked back and I just made dumb mistakes on them. and thanks, I hope I still have a shot too… the only thing is that now I’ll be swamped with supplementals from other colleges because I procrastinated doing those until I found out about Tufts haha.
Do you think it’s mandatory that I email my regional rep that I’m taking them again so they get the scores or is it just a good idea to ensure they recieve them? Dan, anything?</p>
<p>Have you tried the ACTs? Sometime those who don’t do great on SAT’s do considerably better on the ACT.</p>
<p>Have your GC call and see if they can get any feedback.</p>
<p>Well – writing would be a lot of work but I feel that it would be easiest to improve in since your already so great at Math.</p>