Deferred... ><

<p>So, I see many people got accepted and I'm really happy with them :)
I hope I could also be in "accepted pool," but I got deferred.</p>

<p>I know that the admissions office will review the deferred applications again from January, but to me, "deferred" decision is a kind of polite term for rejected.
I mean, does anyone know what the percentage of deferred applicants can be admitted in RD round?
I don’t really know if it is possible that ED deferred applicants will be admitted in enormous RD pool...</p>

<p>Don’t be so sad, I also got deferred, i;m sure we’ll get our second chance.</p>

<p>Advice for deferred applicants and answers to the most frequently asked questions are posted (and will be posted) here:</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> Forums -> Early Decision Defers - Read This!](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)</p>