Delivery of SAT scores from College Board

Magic 8 Ball Question of the Day…

Will the SAT scores I paid to be sent from College Board be received by the school deadline of 10/15?

(or did we request to send them too late to make it even through it is still 3 weeks away)?


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It depends. We had scores automatically sent after the August 26 SAT, which were sent on September 12. One school is still sending emails that our file is incomplete. They usually send scores on Wednesday, if you don’t rush them, but there can be an additional two weeks on the school side for them to process. You never know. One school sent an acceptance two days after the scores were sent an another is still saying they haven’t been received almost two weeks later.

You’re probably fine and you have enough time, it’s just a current frustration for me.

Frustration totally warranted…that’s why I am semi-panicking about not clicking rush on yesterday’s score send that need to be in by 10/15. I’m this close to going in again to pay to again send them rush so that they are there in time.
Crazy how with that date still being 3 weeks away - there is doubt that they will be uploaded by the school to meet their deadline.

Take your pick:

This should probably be pinned at the top of all Chances threads.

But even if you clicked rush, that means the get sent Monday instead of Wednesday, but still doesn’t impact the school processing side. It’s almost never worth it because it only takes like a few days off the process.

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Newbie question: what schools require scores to be sent in by 10/15?

the college board took a month to send my scores and i had to call them a dozen times to get them to finally do it.

I think a lot of southern schools have EA deadlines of October 15. There’s a list somewhere if you Google.


University of Georgia

I paid and sent scores on Sunday September 15th and they were downloaded by one school on Wednesday the 13th and the other on Thursday the 14th. I didn’t pay to have them rushed. I’m not sure if this was just luck or that the two schools download and update applicant portals daily.

Paid to send 2 scores last week and they were sent the next day and received by the school in 2 days.
The scores were sent on a Tuesday, not Wednesday. I was pleasantly surprised.

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For Early Action, the last test date accepted is the October SAT or the September ACT. For Regular Decision, the last test date accepted is the December ACT or SAT. As long as tests are taken and scores are requested by the application deadline we can utilize them in the review process.”


Ok, so the last school finally processed the scores sent September 12 yesterday, so it took 13 days for them to be reflected as received. Scores were released on the 8th, so it was effectively 18 days from order to received. The vast majority seemed to have received them within a week or so.

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Checking for clarity here…this sounds like you paid and sent the scores and they were downloaded before you sent the request…

I’m guessing you paid for and sent scores on Sept 11…

Yes! I meant I paid and sent scores on Sunday the 11th and they were downloaded a couple days later on the 13th and 14th.


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