Demonstrated Interest after the Deadline?

<p>This may be a stupid question, but if I have already applied to WashU, but will visit the campus later this month (after the deadline), will they take into account my "demonstrated interest"? They usually have the boxes to check in the application, but do they also track the people who sign up for information sessions and campus tours through their computers or something?</p>

<p>I was thinking about sending in a Why WashU essay tomorrow by mail myself. I wonder if they’d read it or be annoyed</p>

<p>An easy thing you can do is just find out who your admissions counselor is and send him/her an e-mail once in awhile with questions you have about WUSTL-it hows you’re making a concerted effort to contact the school.</p>

<p>On your visit, I don’t see why you can’t interview after the deadline as well. Look at previous threads on the WUSTL interviews. They’re really chill and informal. My interviewer and I just sat on a bench outside of Brookings. Also you can say more things about yourself and demonstrate more interest in a 30-60 min interview than a 500 word “Why WUSTL” essay.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t know if they will take that in to account or not. </p>

<p>Last year when I applied, I sent them e-mails about every week telling them things that were happening in my life and also just talking to them about WashU and life in general. They responded kindly to every one of them. Maybe I just wasn’t good enough, but it didn’t matter for me and I wasn’t accepted.</p>

<p>Point is, I don’t think demonstrated interest after the deadline has much emphasis. To show that you are really interested, take a campus visit, do an interview, and apply for scholarships. I failed to do all these things last year…</p>