Denied admission to BArch program, admitted to "Exploring Arch. and Urban Studies" - options?

My son is interested in architecture and liked Virginia Tech when we visited several months ago. I didn’t think his grades were good enough to get into the (very competitive) 5 year BArch Architecture program and I was right - he was denied admission to this major, but he was offered admission to the Exploring CAUS program. I think this might be a good option for him as he is backtracking a bit on architecture in general but still is interested in design fields and really liked the university location and feel.

Can anyone offers opinions about his options? Is there any chance he can transfer into architecture, industrial design, or related fields from this program? Any advice appreciated.

Our son is starting in the Architecture program at Virginia Tech in the Fall. When we did the campus tour last summer, everything was pretty dead in the Architecture school except for about a dozen students who were busy working in the studio on a beautiful summer day. The professor who was giving us the tour said that these were the students who were were switching into the Architecture major, and they were spending the summer getting caught up with everyone already in the major. We didn’t know at the time if he would be accepted for Architecture, but they told us (with many disclaimers) that this was an option if he didn’t get accepted and was committed to doing architecture at VT.

I’m not sure what the requirements are for switching, but I can confirm that a few people do it every year. Sounds like what your son got accepted for might be a pathway to do well the first year and get into the 5 year program (if he would still be interested).

Yeah I heard they have a summer studio. Sounds like torture actually. Thank you for the reply.