Denied...Appealed...Status Update...What does this mean?

My application was denied for both my first (FYE) and second (Exploratory Studies) choice back in January. I then appealed the decision. There is a set of new tabs now (Come Visit your shades are waiting, See your next steps) which was not there before. View my decision has today’s date (4/18/19) but the status is the same as before(…Unfortunately, we cannot offer you admission to the West Lafayette campus at this time due to the competitive nature of the applicant pool and the limited amount of space available in your selected major(s)…)

What does this mean?

Their appeal process indeed works…I got admitted to PPI (CNIT program) but I won’t be attending with $0 scholarships.

I would call. I know someone who got accepted yesterday from either a denial or waitlist.

Let me know how this worked/works out for you! I appealed a little over a week ago and haven’t heard anything.

Made another change of Major request (max of 2 major changes allowed) from CNIT to CE. Lets see how this one goes. The ball is on their court now and the waiting game starts now and ends on April 30th unless I hear from them before that.

Why are you changing the major again if you can’t afford to attend?

@momofsenior1==> …because PPI and PU are not in the same league. PU is worth considering for Computer Engineering even with little to no scholarships. I cannot say the same for PPI.

Computer Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering) is part of the Engineering school, which starts with FYE. If you were already turned down for FYE, what exactly are you trying to do by a Change of Major to Computer Engineering?