How to appeal decision so they reconsider my first choice

I got in for 2nd choice in polytechnic. How do I appeal and send my senior year grades for reconsideration into FYE? Is there something on the portal I can use to appeal?

Applicants who are denied admission may submit a written appeal to the Office of Admissions. No third-party appeals will be considered. The appeal must include new and compelling information.
The full Admissions Committee will consider and make the final decision on written appeals.

Ya I saw that. Denied admission entirely though? I got in technically but to my second choice. I’m wondering if I can still appeal for that lol

Call the Office of Admissions.

i did. they said there should be an appeal button on the portal but I dont see it

Have you done anything noteworthy since you applied that you feel would make them change their minds? If it’s nothing or just a slight change in grades, it’s not worth it to appeal. You could always just try to CODO into engineering from polytechnic next year.

You can appeal the decision by selecting “Change Major” in Profile and application tab. Select FYE as the major you want to change your second choice to and simply write why do you want them to reconsider your application.