Denied application, now what?

I applied for UIC and have been in community college for 3 years. I messed up my first year and have completely went back on the right track. I now have a 2.9 (when applied), and have all A’s this semester as of now. I have 45 credit hours and I just found out I was denied LAS admission. I know there’s an appeal process I can do, but should I call admissions or meet with an advisor to possibly get it reversed?

What other schools are you thinking about?

I know nothing of either of the abbreviations you use, but I’m confident that there are always options.

It won’t be reversed. You need to find other (less selective) 4 year schools to apply to. The other alternative is to work to keep improving your GPA and try again after the semester is completed but you may be rejected again.

I suggest you speak with a transfer advisor at your CC and develop a plan to move forward.

The college that rejected you usually won’t say why. Your best bet is to talk to the transfer advisor at the CC. They should have insight as to whether you can get in to your first choice at a future time or where else to apply.

Are you trying to transfer into UIC for the spring semester? If so, it couldn’t hurt to call someone at UIC admissions, explain you are getting all A’s so far this semester, and ask if there is anything you can do to improve your case and make it worthy of an appeal. Frankly, I doubt your current grades will make any difference at all until they are final grades. But maybe it’s possible to appeal once you have final grades.

My guess is that’s it’s not likely this will work out by the spring. But at least they could give you an idea of what you can do to improve your chances if you try again. Getting all A’s seems likely to help.