Depression and Loneliness

<p>I hope I don't sound self-absorbed or conceited when I write this, but I have no one to really talk to about problems, and I'd like to know if I am the only person who is having a problem like this...</p>

<p>This year sucks. I go to a poor school, where the dropout rate is somewhere approaching 60%. Though I have had a somewhat good social life leading up to this year, this year sucks completely. I spend most weekends alone doing nothing but sleeping and playing video games. All of my good friends who I used to have a lot of fun with have graduated and moved away. I'm not anti-social at ALL. I've been trying to make good friends all year, to no avail. I don't think I'm that bad of a person to talk to, I've been voted class clown of my senior class.</p>

<p>But the thing is that I really don't relate to anyone in this school, period. It seems that <em>everyone</em> I know if more interested in MTV, pop culture, and their own stupid childish relationships than anything else in the world. My senior class took a small general knowledge quiz, and there were only 8 out of over 200 seniors who even knew who the Vice President of the US was. I have nothing in common with anyone at my school and can't really hold decent interesting conversations with anyone here. I hate to say it and I know it sounds arrogant, but they're mostly idiots. The only people at my school who are in my AP classes are mormons, and they ALL have no social lives whatsoever (so I guess we now have something in common lol). </p>

<p>That's not to say I'm a complete loner. I have many "acquaintances" I talk to and have known for years. But there is no in depth conversation between us. I have never found someone in my school who knows a damned thing about politics, or ANYTHING really. Most conversations at this school are middle-school like in content and maturity.</p>

<p>That's not to say there are no intelligent people at my school. I believe there are a lot of people who have individual unique talents. I think everyone is good at something, some kids are good at math, some kids good at English, others at history. However it seems to me that people in my school don't harness their talents. People here just don't care about school and get straight F's and talk all day to their friends.</p>

<p>I personally have never really been in any serious depression, but lately, I've been quite depressed.</p>

<p>I'm sorry if that sounded arrogant. I'm not an arrogant person. I just want to know how other people are dealing/have dealt with this situation.</p>

<p>Well, if your school sucks, I personally think that gives you an edge to stand out at least…</p>

<p>As for your issue…It’s only what you make it out to be…So if you think you are depressed and lonely, you are going to be depressed and lonely.</p>

<p>Really. Loosen up. Why do you want friends to talk with you about politics? Do friends really need to be intelligent? Why can’t they just be fun? Why can’t you just enjoy company?</p>

<p>chris2k5, I don’t need “friends to talk to about politics”. I couldn’t care less if my friends knew a thing about politics. That is just an example. There’s no one in this school who I have anything in common with. Absolutely nothing. Conversation tends to get a bit old quickly. I have several friends outside of this school, and we occasionally go out and do stuff (sometimes smoke hookah, do some fun stuff on the strip) but just nothing really interesting…</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation, but just think next year at your selective college only intelligent people will be there ;)</p>

<p>Let’s be honest here most high school graduates move on to some no-name, unranked crap college, and live mediocre lives.</p>

<p>read some books… seriously, relax…its your last year(right) so just think about how you just have to finish up these four months and you’re free!</p>

<p>I feel ya… People at my school… just ugh. Can’t even describe them, lol. They are just utterly awful. You should hear the things they talk about! I just want to slap them upside the head. Then girls walk around with purses that have the Playboy Bunny logo on them, like whatttt? Why would you wear such a thing, much less to school in front of your teachers?! <em>bangs head repeatedly on desk</em></p>

<p>Anyways… you’re almost done! So no worries! And you can talk to the rest of us nerds on here! I love politics, in fact, I plan on majoring in poli sci. Have you decided on a school/major yet?</p>

<p>Do what I do… obsess about the fact that soon enough, you won’t have to see any of those people anymore. If worse comes to worse, you can always spend all your time looking up your colleges, between the sleep and video games.</p>

<p>writergrl94, oh good, so I’m not the only one who does that?! At my school I’m the only loser I know of that spends hours upon hours checking out colleges online… Hahah ;)</p>

<p>Haha, me too! But, I need it, esp. to motivate me when I’m like no one else cares, why should I? I can lose like 5 hours afterschool looking up schools, and then I’m like, ugh I still have HW!..</p>

<p>Hah, wow! Are you my long lost twin!? What grade are you in? I’m a junior.</p>

<p>Before you can find it, you first have to decide what it is you’re looking for. Your niche will come in time.</p>

<p>Hello Nightsd,</p>

<p>All can say is… you are right on the money when it comes to why you feel depressed. However, there is one thing I think you didn’t consider. You mentioned that you feel like there are a lot of students in your school who are NOT using their talents, which could be somewhat true. However, as you focus on the students that aren’t on your level you are putting energy into a situation you can’t control. </p>

<p>You are very intelligent, and expressive, but are you doing with your talents???</p>


<p>Instead of you feeling depressed let’s say I help you put your talents to use, positively. dew
lw Grant Opportunities
WHO AM I???</p>

<p>My name is Ms. Shontia. DREAM Network is the name of my youth mentoring program ([Home](<a href=“”></a>). My mission is to help students like you discover what their gifts and talents while preparing them for college and or life as an adult. </p>


<p>I would like to invite you to write articles for my student groups. There is no time for depression when you have business to take care of. This is not an advertising opportunity for me. This is just what I do for a living. I help talented youth discover the unique characteristics that make them who they are. Self-discovery is the first step to living a happier, depression lifestyle. </p>

<p>If you are interested you can visit the site I listed above and let me know some of your ideas and what topics you would potentially want to write about that people your age should be concerned about. If you take up my offer I wouldn’t mind writing recommendations and documenting your time spent as volunteer hours.</p>

<li> dream_network</li>

<p><a href=""></a>
[url=<a href=“”>]Home[/url</a>]</p>

<p>lol… i’ve been obsessing over college for the last three weeks. I’m a Junior as well.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore… so it’s still a long time lol.</p>

<p>There is no need to obsess at this point. You are right on task by being concerned in your junior yr. Now is the time for you to figure out what you should be doing as a senior and creating a plan.</p>

<p>so hang out here on college confidential with all the smart depressed lonely kids :)</p>

<p>there are also plenty in other sectors of the internets
as i’m sure you’ve noticed, the good thing about internet forums is there’s always something to talk about</p>

<p>and then you can go to college and your problems will all go away yay</p>

<p>One thing I’ve noticed is that this lurking on this forum and reading the posts many of these kids leaves makes me feel just as depressed. </p>

<p>This isn’t life. </p>

<p>You have six months to be free now. Stop worrying about other people and concentrate on yourself, even if it means having superficial relationships with friends you know you won’t be able to keep/people you don’t have anything in common with. Heck, maybe you might just discover similarities you never knew existed. Just make yourself happy now and when you get to college, I’m sure you’ll find others that match your interests ;)</p>

<p>P.S. I’d rather be independent than dependant on others to make me feel fulfilled</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses!</p>

<p>I probably shouldn’t have put such an ominous title. I guess a more appropriate word to describe my current situation would have been “bored” instead of depressed. To answer your question** honorstudent**, I plan to get a degree in exotic Mongolian dance LOL jk. I’m not entirely sure, but I think I will go into a nano technology field, because it will be a very big field in the coming years.</p>

<p>And Sailor, thanks for the good advice :)</p>

<p>Lol! You’d make plenty of friends doing that! ;)</p>