<p>Just a little thought experiment here. I want to know how you guys would describe the University since it is so diverse in every sense of the word.</p>
<p>It is complex.</p>
<p>Northwestern is one BAMF</p>
<p>The place where you let it all in, go with your gut, and bleed purple.</p>
<p>“Northwestern University (NU) is a private university located primarily in Evanston, Illinois.”</p>
<p>Courtesy of Wikipedia ;)</p>
<p>Amen. 10 char 10 cahr</p>
<p>From my cousin: “Having a beautiful girlfriend that treats you like *****”</p>
<p>It is a place that I am getting an acceptance letter from</p>
<p>The place where my aspirations and dreams will become a reality</p>
<p>Where fun goes to live (or escape from UChicago)! ;)</p>