<p>Supposing my boyfriend costars, is it inadvisable to refer to him with that title? Is friend preferable? For reasons I can't quite understand I prefer 'boyfriend,' but I seem to recall reading that it ought to be avoided.</p>
<p>Ta and all.</p>
<p>Supposing my boyfriend costars, is it inadvisable to refer to him with that title? Is friend preferable? For reasons I can't quite understand I prefer 'boyfriend,' but I seem to recall reading that it ought to be avoided.</p>
<p>Ta and all.</p>
<p>Write boyfriend. Adcoms expect teenagers to date. They realize you're human, unless you're applying to some uber religious John Brown type school.</p>
<p>i'll just submit an alternate version to Liberty University then.</p>
<p>i would put my friend.
i was told by an author and a college admissions reader to do this in an essay class i attended.</p>
<p>I'd put best friend</p>