Detailed report on UW admissions-2006

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The amount the average ACT has risen between 1997 and 2006 inclusive isn't even statistically significant...</p>

<p>The mean has gone up from 26.4 to 27.6
There may not be enough data to determine statistical significance but I agree the data does not pass the "eyeball" significance test!</p>

<p>I thought these were last years statistics...</p>

<p>yes they are from last is too early for the 2007 numbers....</p>

<p>Good, just wanted to confirm</p>

<p>That's a gain of about 50 points on the old SAT scale (1600). I'd rather be going up over a point than down one. Also with that large a sample size it seems going from about the 88th %tile to the 92nd% is a solid jump. Rumor has it this year's average is up another point or so moving to the 94th %tile on avg.</p>

<p>Holy moly.............look at the UM class of 2006
90% of the 2006 class graduated in the top 10% of their high school class!!! (Only 57% for Wiscy).......</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>But only about 55% reported rank to UM so..........inflated</p>

<p>Why would Michigan report a deceptively incomplete stat like that? does not make sense...........after all they <em>are</em> the Harvard of the midwest..........</p>

<p>lol to the sarcasm above... I think....</p>

<p>I cannot find the link to this, but in one year on US News, they went from ~60 to ~90% in the top 10%. With a substancial amount not being ranked and this rather strange jump, I'm not sold on those stats for UM.</p>