Did any accepted students get notification of scholarship?

<p>As those of you who applied probably know, Rutgers has an automatic scholarship for in state residents who have certain SAT/ACT scores and class rank. The only requirement is that you apply by Dec 1st.</p>

<p>First-Year</a> Scholarships</p>

<p>Has anyone who was accepted gotten a letter about scholarshps at the same time? My DS had the right ACT score to get money but didn't get a letter of scholarship with his acceptance. I spoke to the Guidance Counselor and she thought that last year's scholarship letters came with the acceptances, but wasn't sure. They did change their poilicy this year, you had to self report your grades so now they don't have the transcript to get class rank, so that may be why it didn't come right away.</p>

<p>But thought I would ask.....</p>

<p>If you got a fast acceptance from Rutgers, then you probably had a high SAT or ACT score. A friend of mine who works at Rutgers as a computer programmer told me that they now have a computer program to automatically accept high scoring students. </p>

<p>If you don’t make the cut - off, then you get reviewed by a person…and it must take longer, from what I read.</p>

<p>dont worry. i didnt get that fast of an acceptance last year when i was accepted (about 1.5-2 months), but i still got a schlolarship. the scholarship didn’t come with my acceptance, though. it came about a week afterwards.</p>

<p>i guess my 700 in math did the trick for rutgers business</p>

<p>I applied to rutgers last year on november 31. I received my acceptance a week and a half later. I then received my scholarship notification the third week in january. then I was notified of the honors program, sometime in February, I believe. </p>

<p>and no, my scores were not very high; my class rank was 10.4%. I bs’d my scholarship essay and appeared to express genuine interest in the university.</p>

<p>But I do love it here, if you’re wondering.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance folder on November 17 and then I received an email that I was admitted into the Honors Program a few weeks subsequently. I have a 3.8/4.0 with 1500/1600 on the SAT’s…do I qualify for a scholarship?</p>

<p>Most definitely.</p>

<p>I received a pretty fast acceptance letter too, feb 18 to be exact, i live out of state in MD and i have a 3.2-3.4 GPA and a 1810 on the SAT. My chances of getting a scholarship??</p>

<p>Scholarships are awarded on the basis of class rank (NOT GPA) and SAT scores. You need at least 1300 verbal and math to qualify.</p>

<p>I got a 2170 and am instate and haven’t gotten anything</p>

<p>whens the latest date that we’ll get notified whether or not we received a scholarship or not?</p>

<p>you think i will get any kind of scholarship from RU school of engineering?
math : 750
reading: 540 - 550 (i know its really bad)
GPA: 3.95-3.97 top 10%
essay: really good! </p>

<p>Please help me if you could. i have been trying to figure this out from last 1 month!! Also, i got accepted in about 13 days if that matters at all. I just want to estimate my cost early so i could find a job if i need more money.
Thank you again.</p>

<p>i got offered the presedential scholarship about 2 weeks after getting in</p>

<p>“Scholarships are awarded on the basis of class rank (NOT GPA) and SAT scores. You need at least 1300 verbal and math to qualify.”</p>

<p>What if your school does not give out rank?</p>

I remember reading something about GPA being in the A A- range… I don’t doubt they have a way to figure that out.</p>

<p>I was accepted a little less than a month after I submitted my app. I have not received any scholarship information yet. Could anyone give me some idea what I could expect?</p>

<p>School of Engineering
Class Rank: Top 2-3%
SAT: 1330/1930
In state Resident</p>

<p>I think the website says you need a 1950 SAT for scholarship consideration but I don’t know how strict they will be with it as I think this is the first year they are looking at all 3parts of the SAT.</p>

<p>mamajay, they don’t say that.They say that MOST scholarship recipients had a combined sat score of 1950 or more</p>

<p>i sent the financial aid office a message about scholarships
they said they would be sent around late feb-early march</p>

<p>If that is true why are there people on these boards that claim to have already gotten the Presidential Scholarship?</p>