Did I calculate my GPA wrong?

When I put my GPA onto the application for the UC schools I put my 10-12 grades because I had just filled out my CSU application. From what I have heard the UC and CSU both use the 10-12 GPA on the application but I can’t find it anywhere on the application when I was looking it over. Did I calculate it right and if not would this be a problem. Thank you.

If you did not take a Gap year, your 12th grades would not be available to self report on the CSU/UC application. If you self-reported your grades correctly (10-11th) the schools will recalculate your GPA anyways, so no worries.

When you calculate GPA for UC you only use 10th and 11th grade grades, or more precisely, from summer before 10th grade through summer after 11th grade. How could you put 12th grade grades in when you didn’t have them?

Yup. I only put my first semester 12th grade grades in my UC Santa Cruz appeal. For the original application I didn’t have any of my senior grades yet.