Did I mess up?

<p>Just wanted some feedback on some people here. I am currently a student at a CCC, and applied to transfer to UCI and UCR as a Biology major this coming fall. I recently found out that I received a D in Calculus I. What's more, I withdrew with a W from the same class during Summer 2012. The reason being is that my father had been diagnosed with cancer, and with helping him and working to support myself (I'm 30, single) it was a bit too much to bear. I stated this when I updated my UC application earlier tonight. </p>

<p>Just some background, I spent 7 years in the military as a Hospital Corpsman (medic) and am looking to finish my undergrad so I can pick up a officer commission. I work with my local veteran community doing outreach events and whatnot whenever I can. I've finished the Gen Chem requirement with a B in both courses, and will finish up the 1st year Biology requirement this spring. To date, I've done 63 units here with a GPA of 3.43 (dropped from a 3.68).</p>

<p>I know me getting into UC this fall isn't looking too good, I've completed the IGETC requirements, but I know that Calculus is really going to hurt me, and didn't TAG either. I guess I'm okay with not getting in this fall, but really want to know if my chances are ruined in the future. I'll retake the class and work to get an A in it this time.</p>

<p>You’ve completed a college-level mathematics course to be IGETC certified (Stats, Finite, Pre-calc/Trig, whatever). Calc I is a major pre-requisite, not required for IGETC or to be eligible to transfer, so you didn’t ruin any chances on your transfer eligibility. Since you have not completed a major pre-requisite (the Calc I course), then if admitted you will just need to take that at UCI or UCR. For most majors IGETC is more important than completing your major’s pre-requisites, but certain emphasis can be placed on major pre-requisites in more competitive majors for specific campuses. For example, if Biology is really competitive at UCI (I’m not sure at all if it actually is or isn’t, this is just an example), then it is preferred that applicants have IGETC and major pre-requisites completed to have the best chances of transfer admission.</p>

<p>The biggest thing the F in Calc I does right now is hurt your GPA. I haven’t applied to any UCs yet, but if there was a spot to list your prior military experience, then I’m sure that will hold some weight for you. I would still go for applying - the worst that can happen is you are not accepted, you retake the course for a higher grade (removing the previous grade if you can) and reapplying for the following year. Alternatively, they can overlook it all and admit you, and you’d just have to take Calc I at that UC.</p>

<p>There is a better forum here on CC for UC Transfers specifically, located as a sub-forum in “Transfer Students”. They may be able to provide a bit more insight if you wish to repost there.</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re applying to the school of biological sciences. Here are the prerequisites:
[Transfer</a> Admission, Selection and Preparation](<a href=“Academic Resources | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI”>Academic Resources | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI)</p>

<p>It says calc is only recommended not required so I think you’ll be okay. </p>

<p>For UCR:</p>

<p>[Department</a> of Biology: UCR’s Biology Major](<a href=“http://www.biology.ucr.edu/academic_programs/major.html#transfer]Department”>http://www.biology.ucr.edu/academic_programs/major.html#transfer)</p>

<p>Looks like unless you have physics, chem, bio, you may need a year of calc but I don’t know. This is something you should definitely talk to a counselor about. Adcoms are human and know sometimes life happens and you said you explained it so maybe they’ll understand. There are no guarantees though.</p>