<p>I am an OOS and I barely have my pre reqs finished. What are my chances into all the UCs with IGETC? My major is biology and it should be impacted in some of the universities..</p>
<p>I don't think I'll be doing TAG because of not having my pre-reqs done.. I've only gone close to Calc 1. :( The CCC's counselor suggested I should have my GEs finished or something- which I am practically finished with (This screwed me over big time because now getting into those pre-req courses is such a pain in the ass since it's always waitlisted and closed..ugh!)</p>
<p>SInce my major is biology I think I know the consequences of me not having most of the science classes finished. I have only taken Chem 130.</p>
<p>By the end of the third semester, I have 42 units. (I'm going for my fourth semester soon but I only got into a few classes.. hopefully I get 12..)</p>
<p>maybe you should stay at cc a bit longer to get some of those pre reqs done? If you did that you could bring your GPA up too. but from your stats as of now I’d say you have a decent shot anywhere except maybe cal and ucla… they might be a reach bc biology is probably one of the most impacted majors</p>
<p>and as an OOS student it would probably be really expensive doing a bunch of pre recs at a uc. get as many done as possible in community college so you can get your degree quickly :)</p>
<p>Is this regarding transfer for fall '12 or fall '13?</p>
<p>For fall '12, I don’t think you really have much of a chance at any of the UC’s without at least most of your pre-reqs completed. UCLA and Berkeley is completely out of the question because from what I’ve heard, they won’t even bother looking at your application if your pre-reqs are not fully complete unless of course the particular courses are not available at your CCC’s. And even if you take 12 units in the upcoming semester, you’ll sit at 54 units anyways, just shy of the required minimum 60 units to transfer. </p>
<p>You have a really solid GPA at 3.76 while it also helps that your in OOS, so take this next year and a half to apply for TAG/TAP, get most if not all of your pre-reqs done, and raise your GPA even further. Than I’d say you are virtually guaranteed in at all UC’s besides of course LA and Berkeley. Even applying for biology @ 3.76, I’d say you have a fairly good shot at CAL and UCLA.</p>
<p>Thank you so much
I am talking about Fall '13 because there was no way I can even get in for '12… Even for this coming semester I couldn’t sign up for any of the classes that are pre-reqs… I am waitlisted for Calc 2 and Bio so I really hope I get in although it is highly unlikely that I will… </p>
<p>So in general, even with IGETC, my chances are next to none for getting into a UC because of the pre-reqs?</p>
And is it worth the tuition? I hear that UC education system will be significantly lower than before because of the budget cuts…</p>
<p>I also got into SBU (Stony Brook University in NY) but I didn’t really like the campus. I just wish I’m making the right decision of heading back to California.</p>
<p>If you don’t get a spot in those classes, just talk to the professors after class and explain to them your situation. Some professors will try to work something out or give you first priority and let you sit in class until a spot opens up, which almost inevitably happens in any class when the slackers quickly realize they’re only wasting everyone’s time including their own. I’ve seen it happen many times before at my CCC. I’m sure most professors understand the struggles every student goes through these days to get their classes.</p>
<p>I may be biased because I’m a born-and-raised Californian, but I don’t think there’s a better state to attend college than in California. Beautiful weather, beautiful people, diverse culture, beaches, Hollywood, great nightlife if you’re in the more urban neighborhoods…the list goes on and on. What more could a college student ask for? And you say “heading back to California”, so I assume you were born here as well? Some people would kill for in-state tuition at a UC, so why not take full advantage of that? Just my $.02</p>
<p>Oh no, I meant, I attended CCC and I was accepted for SBU. But I’m thinking of heading back to California because of their UC system. I also feel like the budget cuts are doing the UCs bad (education wise)</p>
<p>Yeah, I was thinking of asking one of the professors if there is any way I can get in for some of the classes because I really need it…</p>
<p>I do really love California after living there for a year or so and I have been so accustomed to their lifestyle. I always love NYC too but for school, it never really appealed to me.</p>
<p>THe worst part of it is, I want to graduate in time. I don’t want to stay in a CCC for two years or so… (meaning, another 2 years . I’m at a CCC for 3 semesters now)</p>
<p>I don’t quite understand the Assist.org page. I looked up some of the universities and the major requirements and for UCSD, they state some upper division courses. DOes that upper division courses have to be finished before applying to their university?</p>
<p>for assist.org, the classes on the right side are the classes you need to take before you transfer.</p>
<p>If your CCC offers those courses, I’d suggest completing them. The completion of all pre-reqs may not be required, but it’s highly recommended if you want to stay competitive as an applicant. Like I said before, UCLA and Berkeley supposedly won’t even bother with an applicant without every pre-req completed, with the exception of unavailable courses. For the other UC’s, it’d definitely help but I heard you could still slide by without a course or two, depending on the major and course(s).</p>
<p>whatsup everyone,
jason i have question for u if u dont mind answering.
i was kinda relieved to read that you said “I heard you could still slide by without a course or two, depending on the major and course(s).” because I wasn’t able to get into the classes i needed due to budget cuts and late registration dates. However, I might be able to finish the “highly recommended” courses that my major requires, which is 1 year in general chem and 1 year in o-chem. Biology courses are listed but does not say highly recommended, and I probably won’t be able to finish all the biology.
my question is, I am applying for Nurition Science in UC Davis, and u said admission chances are based on the particular major?? Do you have any idea if Nutrition Science is a hard major to get into?? haha. thanks alot.</p>
<p>Biology is extremely impacted at UCSD, probably more so than any other UC. UCSD doesn’t have a set number of “required” pre-reqs, but to be competitive for one of the 200 spots offered over the entire Biology department you want to finish with as many lower-divison pre-reqs as you can. That means 3 semesters of Calc, 2 to 3 semesters of Biology, 2 semesters of General Chem, and 3 semesters of Calc-based Physics, preferably by the Fall before you transfer. </p>
<p>To answer your question about Assist.org, it lists every transferable course your school offers and all of which that transfer and complete equivalent courses at a UC, lower division and upper division. Typically you’re expected to finish the lower division coursework before you enroll and the upper division coursework once you’ve started classes at a UC. Though you can finish additional upper division coursework at a CC, which will make you a more attractive applicant, it isn’t necessary.</p>
<p>@Charlie91 The majors that are sticklers when it comes to missing pre-reqs are ones such as engineering or psychology. Nutrition Science is not impacted anywhere as far as I know (you’re actually the first person I’ve seen on here majoring in that lol) so I’m fairly sure you’ll be fine if you’re missing 1-2 pre-reqs, especially if they are not highly recommended but only suggested. I’m only a prospective transfer though just like yourself, so I’m only speaking from what I know and have seen around the forums.</p>