Did I screw myself over too much?

<p>Okay so this is really frustrating. </p>

<p>I am a rising Junior right now and am looking for some input as to where I stand. </p>

<p>The first semester of freshman year was terrible I don't really know why but I just didn't really try or care about my grades or how I did. Maybe I was just immature or maybe I didn't understand the concept of college acceptances. I don't know. </p>

<p>Anyway here's what my transcript looked like after that 1st sem. [final grades] -</p>

<p>Writing - 77 (C)= 2.0
Phys. Sci. - 78 (C) = 2.0
World History - 78 (C) = 2.0
Algebra 2 - 77 (C) = 2.0</p>

<p>At least I was consistent. So my gpa for that sem. was a 2.0. </p>

<p>The second sem. or freshman year got better. (we have a block schedule - [8 classes per year/4 a sem.]</p>

<p>Religion (i go to a private cath. school) - 88 (B) = 3.0
PE - 90 (A) = 4.0
American Foundations (english basically) - 85 (B) = 3.0
Comp. Sci. - 90 (A) = 4.0</p>

<p>So that makes my gpa so far a 2.75 uw. class rank 111/131</p>

<p>Here's how soph. year went - </p>

<p>SEM. 1
Art I - 87 (B) = 3.0
Latin I - 91 (A) = 4.0
Christian Scripture - 88 (B) = 3.0
Hon. Glob. Geo. - 91 (A) = 4.5 w 4.0 uw</p>

<p>SEM. 2
Geometry - 88
Hon. Bio - 93
Hon. Latin 2 - 86
Modern American. Lit. - 95 </p>

<p>So right now my cumulative gpa is a 3.22 w. ewwwwwww. </p>

<p>I know I can raise it even more junior and senior year, but even with excellent grades, it won't go up that much that fast. </p>

<p>Freshman year 1st sem. is killing me. </p>

<p>My question is, will colleges see that gpa and just throw away my app.? Will they see that it is only Fresh. year sem. 1 that is holding me down? Will they like the upward trend? I just don't really know what to make of this. </p>

<p>To give you guys an idea, the schools im interested in applying to next year are George Wash. U (IR major), NYU (cas), UMD college park [both parents attended and both uncles and one aunt and all 4 grandparents lol.], DePaul, Loyola Chicago, Fordham, and maybe a a couple big reaches like U Chicago and Georgetown. (and a couple safties like Towson)</p>

<p>Thanks for reading the long post! </p>

<p>Any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>Crank up the grades in your junior year, and your GPA will be much higher...adcoms will consider the fact that your GPA improved every year...try to take some AP or advanced courses and get involved in leadership and volunteer work that you ENJOY...start studying NOW for the SAT and ACT exams...your aps will be just fine...</p>

<p>Check on schools websites, some schools recalculate your GPA w/out fresman year. While that semester isn't great, it is good that you show a rising trend in your grades.</p>

<p>I would research how different schools calculate your gpa. Most schools do not take into account your freshmen year when determining your gpa. Besides that a lot of schools only count certain ap courses for weighting.. I know that UC schools will have you recalculate your gpa when you apply to meet their standards</p>

<p>So I'm not screwed?</p>

<p>No you are not. If you take difficult courses and get increasingly good grades, there are schools may forgive your lower grades earlier. Being a male makes you a good bet for LACs and catholic schools as well.</p>

<p>And you need to find some match and safety schools. Some schools may also not calculate in the gpa from the religion classes...</p>

<p>dont worry do good on the SATs, join a club u like or something...colleges will see the upward trend</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. </p>

<p>I'm just really frustrated that do to me being clueless and stupid freshman year, it could end up messing up so many things for me. </p>

<p>Anyway, I do have many other things that I am involved in and various leadership positions. I have done many, many hours of volunteer work with boy scouts and from that I am an Eagle Scout (highest rank) which I hear is a good leadership position. </p>

<p>BTW, I never even thought about the fact that religion gpa's may not be counted. Good point. </p>

<p>Thanks again. Any other help will be appreciated.</p>