<p>My grades:</p>
<p>9th Grade (both semesters)</p>
<p>A - H. Geometry
A - H. Bio
A - H. English
A - H. World History
A - French 2
A - Adv. PE</p>
<p>10th grade (both semesters)</p>
<p>A - AP European History
A - H. English
A - H. Chemistry
A - Adv. PE
A - French 3
B - H Alg. 2</p>
<p>11th grade (Semester 1)</p>
<p>A - AP Lang
A - AP Chemistry
A - AP Psych
A - H. Math Analysis/Trig
A - Leadership
A - Cross Country</p>
<p>11th grade (Semester 2)</p>
<p>A - AP Lang
A - AP Chemistry
A - AP Psych
A - AP Calc A
A - Leadership
A - Cross Country</p>
<p>Community College Courses
A - History 12
A - History 13
A - Accounting 1
A - Music 111</p>
<p>Now here's where I get nervous. I didn't do so well during my first semester of senior year... </p>
<p>12th grade (First semester. We switched to block schedule this year so now there's 8 classes)</p>
<p>A - AP Physics
A - AP Bio
A - AP Lit
A - AP Government
A - Leadership
A - AP Support (Basically a tutorial class where you do homework the whole period)
B - Cross Country
B - AP Calc B</p>
<p>Despite the fact that my only academic Bs are in math classes, I got an 800 on my Math II test. 760 Chem. I'm rank 7/768</p>
<p>I wasn't exactly the fastest in cross country so I got a B. My coach took this year a lot more seriously. So yeah..
Where do you guys think I stand in terms of Ivy league admissions? How do you think the adcoms will view my senior year grades and rank? And how about my grades as a whole? Do you think I'm on par with respect to my grades/rank? I mean rank 7 seems pretty low, but then again it is top 1% at my school, so I don't know how they'll see that. At first I didn't think they would care much about my grade in cross country but I am getting worried. By the way, my rank did not change. Please please please, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced guys.</p>