Did you ED guys receive the Financial aid package from NYU

<p>I was accepted by NYU 2 weeks ago, but I still did not receive the financial package yet. I submitted the financial aid form together with my ED application. Any ED friends in the same boat? I may give them a call next Monday.</p>

<p>Call them on Monday. Don’t hesitate to leave a message if nobody will pick up. They’re very quick to respond. I got a call back in about an hour after I left a message last Monday.</p>

<p>i didnt get my financial aid letter until like 3 weeks after i got my acceptance.</p>

<p>Mine was in the same envelope as the acceptance letter.</p>

<p>I called to financial aid office and they told me the mail will be out today.</p>

<p>I also got email to say I can also access my award information online via NetPartner by going to our website at nyu.edu/financial.aid</p>

<p>I loged in and checked my financial aid information. I was so sad when I saw it. I only got $3500 scholarship per semester, $2000 work per semester, others are all different loans. My parents’ AGI is only 90,000/year. How do they make decisions to give the scholarship/grant?</p>

<p>I only got like 10 grand over all (including work study) and everything else was loans. : (</p>