Didn't take an SAT II foreign language

<p>However, I’m in my fifth year of Spanish (currently in AP Spanish). I’m definitely applying to the College of Arts and Sciences and maybe the University Professors program, so should I be worried? My GPA is 3.99 (UW), ranked 2 out of 380, SAT I (770 CR, 790 M, 740 W), and SAT IIs of 800 Chem/800 IIC/780 U.S. History. I also got 5s on US history, CS A, Eng Lang/Comp, and Chemistry. Basically, is it absolutely necessary that I take the SAT II language?</p>

<p>Do they require it?</p>

<p>no, they recommend it.</p>

<p>According to the 2003-2004 undergraduate bulletin, there are two ways to fulfill the CAS foreign language requirement: a score of at least 560 on an SAT II subject test, or a score of 3 or more on the AP exam. I don't think the requirements changed this year. I don't know if UNI has any special required tests.</p>