Different calc classes?

<p>What's the difference between the Calc 211-213 sequence and the Calc 221-222-234 sequence? What might work for a non-math major who took AP Calc AB and might major in Economics?</p>


<p>im also majoring iin economics. although i believe they recommend calc 221 for econ major, calc 211 is also accepted. I will personally be taking calc 211, since it is the more traditionally based calc similar to what you have studied in AB and in pre-calculas. its all vectors, trig, logs, factorials, etc...</p>

<p>The way I understood it when I went to soar and picked out classes was Math 221 is calc for people going into sciences and engineering and stuff. Math 210 (finite) and 211 (calculus) are for business mainly.
I didnt really know what I wanted to major in, so my advisor said 221 is the most general, but probably a little harder....</p>

<p>does anyone know anything about the math 275-276/375-376 cause i got into it, but in the letter from the professor he suggests that i should take 375 this year, which i dont want to do cause i havent taken math in a while because i took BC in 11th grade and only got a 3</p>

<p>I'm so happy! I also got the letter saying that I can take the honors calculus sequence (Math 275-276/375-376). Phew, I was even worried about registering in leftover classes 'cause I will attend the International SOAR, which is THE last session. It will be challenging, but I'm up for it.</p>