Different honors colleges, which to choose?

<p>So, I finally got official letters of admittance and automatic scholarship, and now I am thinking about honors college application.
As far as i heard, University Honors and International Honors are almost automatic acceptance if you have the standards they ask for. I know CBHP is very competitive as well.
Well so there are three honors programs to choose from, and it seems like I can choose to participate in more than one, but which, and how many should i apply for?
It seems like University Honors is just a general honors program and international Honors is more focused on studying abroad.
Does each program have certain requirements (like specific classes to take) that i have to fulfill in my college years? If so, then as i choose more than one honors college program (say UH and IH) do the requirements add up?
Is it okay to apply for them all and in case I do not wish to participate, drop one of them?
If any of the current students knows about the distinctions between regular University Honors and International Honors, can you inform me of them? Honors college web-site doesn’t really tell much except for additional honors seminars and study abroad opportunities.</p>

<p>CBH is a minor and does have specific classes.</p>

<p>UHP lets you choose your honors classes from a large variety.</p>

<p>IHP has (I think) one required specific class and then you choose your foreign language and study abroad.</p>

<p>So is having 2 or 3 of them at the same time probably a little too much? I guess i should just apply for all and see if i can get into CBHP first?</p>

<p>Sure…you can do that. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>the CBH deadline is probably very soon…it’s usually is around the 5th of Jan…don’t know what it is this year.</p>

<p>UHP is the “base” honors program that almost all honors students are members of. The other honors programs have additional requirements, many of which help fulfill UHP requirements. </p>

<p>One is free to leave honors programs at any time, but it is highly suggested that one talk with the program director(s) beforehand to see if there are ways to make that honors program work better for you.</p>

<p>It is definitely possible to be a member of multiple honors programs, do well academically, and have a social life all at the same time.</p>

<p>^ thank you very much for clarification</p>