<p>Early Decision'ers don't get to go to dimmensions right? because i didn't get an email or anything about it yet... and i got in for ED</p>
<p>You don't get an invitiation, but if you can pay your way and get someone to host you, you are more then welcomed when you get there. There are a few CCers who got in ED that are attending Dimensions.</p>
<p>oh okay... i wasn't sure if i was supposed to get an invitation or not</p>
<p>i guess since not everyone is going/supposed to go its not a big deal then</p>
<p>How do you feel about it? It would be a wonderful opportunity to meet up with some of your prospective class mates. If not, you can wait until DOC trips.</p>
<p>I just emailed Cheryl Sprang to let them know that I will be going to Dimensions (i'm an EDer). I am staying with one of my friends who goes there. I haven't done an overnight there yet, so I'm using this an opportunity to see Dartmouth again and maybe meet 09s.</p>