<p>Just accepted by Vandy...
I'm curious about dining because I love deli~
So, is dining at vanderbilt awesome?</p>
<p>After successfully managing to avoid eating Vanderbilt food during my stay here, I am pleased to announce I have absolutely no idea what the cafeterias are like. You, being a freshman, will be hazed (because, after all, the term ‘freshman’ absolutely implies hazing and in no possible manner whatsoever is an acceptable term for a first year student) by Commons dining, which fortunately for you, is supposed to be pretty amazing (last year’s Top Chef is rumored to have trained at Commons Dining).</p>
<p>There are tons, and I mean tons of places to eat on your Vanderbilt card (or not) both on campus and just around. Chilis, Sat-Co (Nashville landmark), McDougals, Starbucks (apparently it’s possible to consume all nutrients there), C.T. West, Fiesta Azteca, PF Changs, J. Alexanders, more upscale places, Bread and Co, lots of pizza and Chinese places (er…Domestically Challenged?). Those are just the first that rang a bell.</p>
<p>I visited, and the commons dining is in another league when it comes to dining. It is amazing.</p>
<p>yea commons dining is out of this WORLD! rand is ok</p>
<p>Thank u guys all…
Which places at Vandy serve best food?</p>
<p>commons commons commons</p>
<p>a good half of it is homemade…im not kidding.</p>
<p>commons is usually regarded as the best food on campus. i live in towers, so i don’t usually go over there too much. rand is good for lunch, and then my friends and i rotate where we eat for dinner. Ro-tiki, quizno’s, ct west, and the pub are all good, with the pub probably being my personal favorite. vandysae is correct that there are a lot of good restaurants within walking distance that are on the card. also, through the vanderbilt dining website, you can order pizza or chinese delivery.</p>
<p>Commons generally serves pretty good food, with the exception being Friday or Saturday nights when only the fried foods are being served. The best foods are definitely the baked goods there that are homemade. Rand is just OK at best and gets old very fast. The Pub is pretty good, Rotiki is OK if you like what they serve, CT West and Quiznos (on meal plan) are also pretty good to eat at. Several places are on meal money also. </p>
<p>For freshman, 4th meal at the commons (i.e. midnight snack) is quite popular since the commons munchie mart is open 24/7. Sometimes they even have hummus as a 4th meal option! In general, meal plan is actually quite good.</p>
<p>My daughter isn’t too impressed with the food (but she hasn’t tried Commons). She does use her meal money at off campus restaurants and in the mini marts on campus. Because she gets a lot of rollover credit, she has plenty of money available for alternative food (off campus & mini marts).</p>