Dir. of Athletics Kent State -Your Views

<p>[YOUR</a> VIEWS: Bama fans’ response overwhelms Kent State | al.com](<a href=“http://blog.al.com/birmingham-news-commentary/2011/09/your_views_bama_fans_response.html]YOUR”>YOUR VIEWS: Bama fans' response overwhelms Kent State - al.com)</p>

<p>^^^Absolutely marvelous.</p>

<p>Now I know we’re not allowed to post youtube links here, so y’all just go to youtube on your own, go to TheRecordPub’s channel, open up their video on the Kent State game, scrub forward to 3:08, and watch/listen to the ovation Bama Nation gave the visitors.</p>

<p>Awesome! Roll Tide.</p>

<p>*To say we were overwhelmed by the response from Crimson Tide fans this weekend would be an understatement. Our Alumni Office has been inundated with e-mails raving about the hospitality, generosity and extremely grateful attitude the Alabama nation displayed toward anyone wearing the blue and gold of Kent State.</p>

<p>To top it all off, the standing ovation our team received upon entering the stadium Saturday morning gave all of us Flashes fans in attendance goose bumps. It was something unheard of at a college football game, and speaks volumes about the citizens of Alabama and Crimson Tide fans everywhere. *</p>

<p>Very nice…</p>

<p>Very similar to response that Penn St had last year. :)</p>

<p>Classy fans. So proud!!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the link Malanai! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>I like the fact that the fans gave the standing O.</p>

<p>I hope the band didn’t play Rammer Jammer after the win. I don’t like it when that is played against these pre-season weaker teams.</p>

<p>Ok for Penn State (if we win), but not for schools like Kent St, San Jose St, Georgia St, etc.</p>

<p>Does that mean we are BFF’s? JK! I thought it was a classy thing for them to come down and help, and a classy way to show appreciation from UA’s fans! I can’t wait to get down to a game, the atmosphere there is absolutely electric!!!</p>

<p>Wow, yet more confirmation that we made the right decision for our son who will be entering UA in fall 2012. Alabama is awesome.</p>

<p>When I was at last year’s San Jose St and Penn St game, the visiting fans said the same thing…how nice everyone was, how helpful everyone was, how beautiful the campus was, how nice the townspeople are, etc. Several told me that their younger kids now want to go to Bama. lol</p>

<p>Before the PSU night game, there was first HEAT and then rain in the afternoon, so everyone headed to The Ferg to wait it all out. At first, the PSU fans hesitated about going into the Ferg…probably thinking it would be like heading into UMich’s Wolverines’ den. But they were warmly welcomed and we all sat around tables and sofas chatting for several hours…and watching various day games on the TVs. </p>

<p>There was an article about it the following week. And, there’s a youtube video of the PSU cheerleaders dancing to Sweet Home Alabama when it was played at the game. </p>

<p>found it…</p>

<p><a href=“Penn State Loves Sweet Home Alabama - 9/11/10 - YouTube”>Penn State Loves Sweet Home Alabama - 9/11/10 - YouTube;