Direct Admit Day: Review Qs

<p>Well, other than the rain, I felt the whole thing was a success.
Was anyone able to understand what the main speaker was saying, acoustics were terrible?
Who was that crazy freshmen professor who walked in the crowd?
On the tour, wasn't it curious how we did not visit the dorms?
So many kids fell walking down the slanted stairs of the art museum, great architecture?</p>

<p>I definitely agree that they should have gotten another person to MC. He may be knowlegeable and smart, but I couldn't understand a word he said. The professor that walked in the crowd is Tiller who teaches the dreaded freshman intro accounting. I personally was completely hooked after the Direct Admit Day. Despite a few boring talks, it was very well organized, the campus tour was great, but most of all, I had a great tour guide who answered my many questions very thoroughly. I was also struck by the geographc diversity of my tour group. There where people from Ohio, Chicago, and New York and all were very friendly. I could definitely see myself there for the next four years. Not only that, but my guide said they are starting renovations of the undergrad b-school next year =).</p>

<p>I thought DA day was great. I'm glad Dr. Tiller didn't make it over to where I was sitting though. </p>

<p>Diagonally placed marble steps-either designed by a bone doctor or an accident lawyer.</p>