Direct Entry Nursing Students?!

I would love to hear where all of you got in and applied. Also, adding in your stats, scores, and ec’s would be helpful too! I will be applying to nurse schools next year and I would love to hear from you guys and girls!


Class of 2024 here. I applied to BSN programs for University of MN Twin Cities, UMich Ann Arbor, UW-Madison, and UPenn and got accepted to all 4.

My stats are thus:
GPA: 3.94/4.25
ACT: 35
SAT: 1500 - 750 on both sections
No SAT subject tests
5s on all of my APs: Bio, World History, Lang, Music Theory, Calc BC, Physics 1 + 2

The UMN Twin Cities in my home state had a special program called PSEO that allowed me to take classes on campus for dual credit towards high school and college graduation. My most notable classes were upper division anatomy and physiology, cell biology, histology, and pharmacology. I also completed the entire calculus sequence at the university including linear algebra and multivariable (though I don’t think that had as much impact on my application as the aforementioned classes :P).

ECs: worked at a nursing home as a nursing assistant junior and senior year, completed an independent research project junior year with the help of a mentor at the university and presented at AACR annual meeting in 2019, competed in various piano competitions on the national level all throughout high school. I was very involved in the music community at my school as well, playing in pit orchestra as a violinist for pretty much the entire theater season for freshman and sophomore year.

Admittedly I was kind of all over the place until junior year came around, but I kind of found my groove halfway through my high school experience, and it helped carry me to where I can finally relax and stop worrying about applications and prepare for college next year.

I wish you absolute best of luck, and I’m sure you’re going to end up at a place that suits you well!