Class of 2019 Nursing Admissions

<p>Hello class of 2019!
I'm a student aspiring to become a nurse, and I was curious as to where everyone is planning on applying/has applied/gotten admitted to. Also, what your stats are? </p>

<p>I've applied to the University of Minnesota and University of Madison.
I am part of my schools charter school, giving me 5 year long health occupation classes. I've taken 2 honors classes and 6 AP:
AP Language (3)
AP Psych (4)
AP Lit (in progress)
AP Calc AB (in progress)
AP Bio (in progress)
AP Gov (in progress)
I scored a 28 on my ACT.
I'm also a CNA with 100+ volunteer hours and have placed 2nd and 4th at my states HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) and qualified for nationals.
I'm very anxiously awaiting because both nursing schools are a reach for me, but I'm trying to be optimistic. </p>

<p>So what about everyone else?</p>

<p>My daughter applied to 18 different schools as we needed/wanted options when financial aid packages come in. Thus far she has been accepted to:</p>

<p>Florida Southern College
Robert Morris University
Edinboro University
DeSales University
Marymount University
D’Youville College
Gannon University</p>

<p>Does anyone know much about the smaller nursing schools in the Northeast? Regis, Salve Regina, Endicott and Sacred Heart? Thanks!</p>

<p>HI KJC-- what were your daughter’s stat’s? Thanks!</p>

<p>Daughter just accepted toast to Minnesota with freshman guarantee for nursing </p>

<p>Congratulations!! </p>

<p>@Jara123‌ that’s my top school - what were her stats? Congrats though!!</p>

<p>college advice - her stats are very average. 3.4 gpa, 1630 SATs (1100 crit reading/math)
Since my post she has also been accepted into U. Maine, Alvernia and Neumann.
She was denied at York, and admitted to UNH, but not their nursing program. :(</p>

<p>@heyoimsam. Daughter had 30 ACT. Unweighted GPA 3.8. 5 AP classes. Good EC’s (President of 2 major school clubs, Editor in Chief of School Paper, DECA State Award winner and School Leadership Board member, Tutor at local elementary school. won community service award) but no health care related activities. </p>

<p>KJ2014, Do you know if the U of Maine program is a direct entry nursing program?</p>

<p>Are any of these schools offering good merit aid? (if you are coming from out of state)</p>

<p>DeSales, Alvernia and York offer substantial merit aid, among others.</p>

<p>@blue652 I know D’Youville has merit scholarships available. The amounts and stats required are listed on the website. Edinboro currently has a pilot program for OOS tuition at instate tuition plus 5% (~$10000). Robert Morris gives merit scholarships for high stats students. I’m pretty sure many of the other colleges mentioned also award merit money (tuition discounting) for better students.</p>

<p>Thank you!! I’ll check those out! I’m really trying to find some schools with good nursing programs that may offer full tuition scholarships or something around there</p>

<p>Collegeadvice - yes, U Maine is direct entry. She only applied to direct entry schools.
Blue652 - we haven’t heard from Alvernia and D’Youville re: merit aid yet, but I can tell you what she received from the others - these amounts are per year, for 4 years:
DeSales - 5,000
Edinboro - 3,000
Florida Southern - 13,000
Gannon - 12,000
Marymount - 14,500
Neumann - 15,000
Robert Morris - 7,000
U. Maine - 8,000</p>

<p>Hi @‌kjc2014 these merit aid will put a dent in the cost of attendance. It is nice to have all these acceptance & make a less stressful senior year for your D</p>

<p>@kjc2014 that is great to know!! Thanks for sharing</p>

<p>As of 2 years ago, DeSales stressed that their initial scholarship offer was only a partial one. They made students come to an interview on a Scholarship Day in January when they could receive additional aid.</p>

<p>Yes, thank you FlowerMom, it certainly does!</p>

<p>My son applied to 10 schools for nursing. Acceptance letters have started to arrive.
He has a lot of community service, one sport per season, 3 DUAL enrollment classes (2 From Junior year which was Spanish); 3.3 GPA 1510 SAT’s…and will keep on taking them for potential more merit $$</p>

<p>Alvernia - accepted
St. Anselm - applied early action
Sacred Heart - applied early action
Pace University (Pleasantville campus) - applied early action
Curry College - applied early action
Molloy College - accepted
Utica college - accepted
SUNY Plattsburgh - applied - too far, less costly as a NYS resident…but the program he wants
Mount Saint Mary – accepted
Fairleigh Dickinson (Metro Campus) - applied early action </p>

<p>He wants to attend a small school - I think Alvernia may be the place for him. He liked Sacred Heart but has a reputation for a party school, also housing not necessarily guaranteed after freshman year. We have a friend who had to get off campus housing as a sophomore and they are on the wrestling team…nothing is guaranteed.</p>

<p>Alvernia starts off with nursing classes as a freshman… which is what my son likes and that the nursing classes are a broad range of learning.</p>

<p>Curry has great access to Boston and great hospitals…very impressed with nursing program…but just didn’t feel as welcoming as Alvernia.</p>

<p>Utica college - a “safe” school - didn’t like that the nursing classes - they don’t start till Junior year. Great merit $$</p>

<p>St Anselm - loved the campus & nursing program - strategically difficult for my son to get home from…also poor diversity</p>

<p>Molloy - great nursing program …a lot of hospitals & clinical partners - a commuter college - my son wants to go away</p>

<p>SUNY Plattsburgh - too cold in winter, too far, less costly as a NYS resident…and not the program he wants</p>

<p>Mount Saint Mary – my son loved the campus & facilities - in spring of freshman year (or fall of sophomore?) student has to take TEAS exam to continue in nursing program…low merit$$ as compared to Alvernia</p>

<p>Pace University (Pleasantville campus) - loved the nursing program…great clinical access…good merit $$. New dorms being built nice area…45 mins from NYC</p>

<p>Fairleigh Dickinson (Metro Campus) - applied early action - haven’t visited it yet - more of a commuter campus, close to NYC…great merit $$…</p>

<p>We visited many schools and didn’t apply - Salve Regina, Seton Hall, U of Scranton, Immaculata, Gwynedd Mercy
and checked out a lot of schools on line…it was exhausting.
Scranton and Seton hall were up there but my son felt it would be much too competitive of an environment - the GPA’s were high as were the SAT scores </p>