Direct Hits - is it good?

<p>Definitely DH for vocabulary. I am finding Barron’s 2400 a very good resource for math.</p>

<p>I have already memorized all the Barron`s 3500 words.No do you think DH will be useful for me ?</p>

<p>@hpa10: well, technically yes. But some “core” words may be difficult for you, and some “difficult” words may be easy for you. I know that I have never heard of some of these core words, but I am very familiar with some of the difficult words. It’s really up to you, really, but I think its worth the 10 bucks lol</p>

<p>@ Ivan_Stanchev: it depends on how you learn words. If you can memorize a word’s definition and apply it directly to the sentence blank, then you might not benefit for the words from DH that are already in Barron’s. Otherwise, you may benefit from reading the extensive examples of usage in the DH.</p>

That takes a lot of dedication!</p>

<p>Wow - congratulations! That took real discipline and determination. Yes, I do think DH would be useful. DH has 100 excellent sentence completion exercises. They will give you an opportunity to practice using the words you have learned. As noted by bsDBer2010 DH has really vivid examples. They will help you remember many of the key Barron’s words.
Good luck Ivan!</p>

<p>Well i havent finished the 3500 well,i have about 500 left,but i memorize about 100 a day so i think i should finish in a week .I will definetely buy the DH.Any practice source is useful ;]</p>

<p>How do you memorize words + retain the knowledge the next day? The next week? Next month?</p>

<p>***. I’m a native speaker and cannot do 100 words a day.</p>

<p>Well ,it is simple .
FOr example,i open the barron`s mini-dictionary today and start memorizing word by word.
Lets start with the word ‘‘celerity’’.Celerity means fastness;speed.I write the word in a special notebook .In this notebook the page is devided into two fields.In the left field i write ‘‘celerity’’,in the right one i write the bulgarian meaning of ‘celerity’’ (скорост ; бързина) Next word - celestial ,and when i reach 100 i start reading all the words i have memorized today and the next morning before i start the new 100, i review the previous 100 :wink: WHen i reach 500 words ,the next day i dont learn any new but review all the previous 500 . ;} If you keep reminding the already reviewed words you wont forget them.</p>

<p>Ivan, I am very impressed with your dedication to working on the vocabulary. One word that you need to look at in one of your books is gerrymander. It was on the Sat. PSAT recently and may show up again on an SAT but it is a purely American word. There is a discussion about it on the thread- Which vocab book performed best on the PSAT? When are you taking the SAT?</p>

<p>Well,i think i will take it for the first time in January or March.I just want to be well prepared and when i take it ,i would like to get a 2200+ without having to retake over and over again.It is not about the money i need to pay everytime,i just want to get the result from once.I want to be sure that when i take the exam,i will be really well prepared .Thats why i try to memorize every word available in the prep books.
So far i have taken all my exams with perfect scores.At grade 7 i applied to one of the best highschools in the country and not onlt got accepted but there were no more than 30 students with better score than me <em>30 out of 2000+</em> You really don`t have an idea what sort of things i needed to memorize in order to prepare well.</p>

<p>gerrymandering noun </p>

<p>ger‧ry‧man‧der‧ing /"džerim</p>

<p>Ivan, I think I understand now. I am the 1st generation child of immigrants, so I also stump my friends with “Oh, yeah I memorized a few hundred words over the last week. So?” We Americans are generally trained to think that any kind of memorization is evil and shallow. My AP Chem teacher always jokes about commiting the ultimate academic sin when he has us memorize oxidation numbers and net ionic formula writing rules.</p>

<p>I do think that DH may be unnecessary for you, since it is directed towards an American audience who can learn from examples about our tv shows, movies, etc. (…High School Musical!!!) However, I do strongly suggest that you read some academic publications in English in your free time. I often see that some CR questions give themselves away by using the vocab word as part of a commonly associated phrase or with a certain preposition.</p>

<p>Well i have wathced a lot of American movies ,i pretty much watch one every night before going to sleep :} There is no high school comedy and teen romance or horror like The hill have eyes that i haven`t seen ;]</p>

<p>Ivan - where are you applying to college? Good luck - you are certainly studying hard.</p>

<p>Well my dream is Dartmouth and Cornell.If i get 2250 + on my SAT i will apply to Harvard but i prefer Dartmouth more than Harvard :}I guy who graduated from my highschool graduated from Dartmouth and told me that the lifestyle is Dartmouth is great and i will feel better.</p>

<p>*A guy who graduated

  • the lifestyle IN Dartmouth .</p>

<p>This is the only forum in the world where we cannot edit our messages.I hate the way i make stupid spelling mistakes while postings and after that i can`t fix them.I run a very successful soccer forum and cannot imagine why on Earth a webmaster can possibly forbid his members to edit their posts</p>

<p>From [Terms</a> of Service](<a href=“]Terms”>


<p>SATs are in 3 weeks
should i buy the Direct Hits book?is it a great buy?</p>

<p>I would order the books today. There are many threads on CC that show that DH has been very helpful on the SAT and PSAT going back to last year. </p>

<p>In the meantime, your school should have free copies of the SAT Preparation Booklet which is actually a real SAT. Get a copy and start going through the Sentence Completion sections and write down then look up every word you don’t know. You can also go online to [::</a> College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements](<a href=“”> In the For Students section you can take the SAT practice test online. They will provide you with the answers and the explanations. </p>

<p>You will need to really commit the time over the next 3 weeks to learning the vocabualry in order to significantly raise your scores on the Critical Reading section. The new vocabulary will also help you on the essay. DH is very good at showing the proper usage of the words through the examples. Good luck!</p>

<p>okk thanks!im going to go to buy it at Barnes and Nobles in a few hours</p>

<p>I just bought Direct Hits Core Vocabulary book and DH Tough Vocabulary book. Do I need to review both? How many words are there?</p>