<p>Is this book good!???</p>
<p>Yes. Buy it. It trumps every other prep book out there, especially the big name brands (PR, Kaplan, etc.). Gruber’s is also good, but Rocket Review is more detailed (despite the fact that Gruber’s is over 1,000 pages).</p>
<p>I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Give it a try as it’s probably better than other brands.</p>
<p>rocket review has a good word list of commonly used vocab words- the top 323. it is very helpful. math section is comprehensive and covers SAT strategies! you’ll improve math, guaranteed, after going through the whole section. Writing section is okay, CR has some great tips. get the book along with the blue book.</p>
<p>opps!.. I cant remember how many times I’ve complimented on this terrific book on CC and other forums (Vietabroader for example…)
would like to give it a 9 out of 10</p>
<p>1 out of 10</p>
<p>to thomaskurian89: d</p>
<p>It’s better than Barron’s, which I’m guessing thomas uses/used.</p>
<p>^It’s just that I’m opposed to SAT prep books of any sort.</p>
<p>There are better, cheaper and more enjoyable ways of improving vocabulary like watching TV, browsing the internet, reading novels etc.</p>
<p>rofl, watching TV?</p>
<p>^Why not? As long as it’s not pogo…</p>
<p>I really liked rocket review. I didn’t do the math section because I was already pretty good at math but…</p>
<p>The writing rules helped me A TON. Also the critical reading section helped a lot.</p>
<p>Overall a great book. I’d give it a 10 out of 10</p>
<p>I think the Rocket Review’s strategies for CR is wayyyyyyyy inferior to Grammatix’s. Whereas the Writing section, especially the essay part, is too well-written to be overlooked. :D</p>
<p>Vocabulary is needed on a small fraction of one of three sections on the whole test. You can watch all the TV you want, but IMO your time would be better spent reading a prep book.</p>
<p>lol how much does prep book costs?? It’s only about 20$ . It’s not like you are spending thousands of dollars on it. I dont see any reason you are opposed?</p>
<p>does this book realy help -400 reading and writing guys ???</p>