Since you have not completed the new Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling by December 13, 2013...blah, blah... The new entrance counseling will reflect updated federal regulations as of July 1, 2013 on maximum eligibility period, remaining eligibility period, and subsidized usage period that you should be aware of since you are a first-time borrower.
<p>My kid got an email from her school's FA office today indicating that she had not complete the "new Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling" (partial text above), and directing her to a website to complete it. However, she did do entrance counseling when she took her loan last spring as an incoming freshman for the fall, and has an email to prove that starts:</p>
Dear intdaughter:</p>
<p>You successfully completed entrance counseling. The following school(s) will be notified within 24 hours: <her college="" name="">
<p>Is there some new requirement for additional direct loan entrance counseling in recent months? Or maybe some other issue with tracking her completion? I had her forward the email stating she had completed the counseling to her FA office, but wondered if maybe she missed some requirement that cropped up later that she was supposed to do... any thoughts?</p>