Directions to NYU?

<p>I'm going to the Stern accepted students day on the 5th and I'm growing increasingly frustrated (primarily because Yahoo maps is incapable of finding Tisch Hall). I'm not familiar with the city and I'll be flying out by myself, so I want to make sure I have all the details right.</p>

<p>So does anyone know how to get to NYU from La Guardia and how to get to Penn Station from NYU?</p>

<p>are u willing to pay for a cab? or are u taking public transportation. if public, mta trip planner (google it) is the best thing ever invented, no joke. u just have to figure out which way is east/west/north/south (compass?). sorry lol jk. good luck!</p>

<p>can’t u just ask the taxi driver?</p>

<p>i took a bus from laguardia to penn station. it was 12 bucks, and once youre at penn station, just take the subway to nyu. subway maps are surprisingly easy to read and understand, so you can figure it out once you’re there. you could, of course, take a taxi and the driver will know, but they can get rather expensive. good luck!</p>

<p>don’t know how to get from LGA to NYU.</p>

<p>from Penn = 1 2 3 subway from Penn to christopher street, walk towards west fourth and walk down west fourth street to tisch hall.</p>

<p>from Penn = A C E subway to west fourth. same as above.</p>

<p>cab = tell the driver “washington square park” or “broadway and west fourth street”. you need to give a landmark or an intersection, not just “NYU”.</p>