<p>I am currently a junior. I took the PSAT my sophomore and junior years, and just got back my junior year PSAT today. My GPA is rather low, so I hope to do good on SATs to make up for that. Anyways,</p>
<p>Soph PSAT: </p>
<p>CR = 58
M = 69
W = 49</p>
<h2>Total = 176</h2>
<p>Jr. PSAT:</p>
<p>CR = 54
M = 70
W = 51</p>
<p>Total = 175</p>
<p>I got worse over a year...</p>
<p>Anyways, I just registered myself to take the SAT in January. I just got the official Blue SAT prep book, and will slowly work through that, and try to finish it by the test. I really did not much prep for the PSATs. So, I am just wondering, with my scores, and as someone who barely ever prepped who wants to do really good, what method/s should I use to study for the SAT? What's the best way I can study?</p>
<p>Just drill yourself with all the practice tests. Math seems to be a strong point for you, but writing skills and reading are messing you up. The best way to get better is to start reading more and building vocab and speed. Also, you should go through some old practice PSAT reading passages and just build comprehension/vocab from there.</p>
<p>The good news is that the writing score is really easy to improve so you can probably have that up to at least a 700 with some work! Just go over basic grammar rules and practice reading senteces in your head as you go through the problems.</p>
<p>try taking the act… I was in the same postion 180 => 187 and I took the ACT and got a 31 with no prep… now averaging 33 on practice tests… if your good at math try the ACT</p>
<p>First, learn how to spell “disappointed.” Lol…just kidding. Umm you can read the thread “Xiggi’s Method.” It helps a lot. Otherwise, just keep doing practice tests from the blue book, and other official test material. Check answers, make sure you understand what is going on. Also, since your scores are pretty low, I would consider memorizing some vocab., “actively” reading some hard books, reviewing basic algebra/geometry from classes, and reviewing basic writing grammar/sentence structure. </p>
<p>Also, the ACT is an option. Maybe you should try your hand on that. See how well you do. I personally hate it.</p>
<p>You should study math and writing, which are systematic and should be easier to improve than CR. Also, I felt the PSATs was hard this year, but that’s just me.</p>
<p>dareallycoolguy–Yeah i thought the PSAT was kinda hard this year too. Harder than last year’s PSAT and harder than the Oct SAT…
My math score somehow dropped from my soph PSAT
…and my writing score on my PSAT is like really different from my SAT writing score. (much lower)</p>