Dissapointed - PSAT Score Got Worse - How Should I Study? - Please Help.


<p>I am currently a junior. I took the PSAT my sophomore and junior years, and just got back my junior year PSAT today. My GPA is rather low, so I hope to do good on SATs to make up for that. Anyways,</p>

<p>Soph PSAT:</p>

<p>CR = 58
M = 69
W = 49</p>

<h2>Total = 176</h2>

<p>Jr. PSAT:</p>

<p>CR = 54
M = 70
W = 51</p>

<p>Total = 175</p>

<p>I got worse over a year...</p>

<p>Anyways, I just registered myself to take the SAT in January. I just got the official Blue SAT prep book, and will slowly work through that, and try to finish it by the test. I really did not much prep for the PSATs. So, I am just wondering, with my scores, and as someone who barely ever prepped who wants to do really good, what method/s should I use to study for the SAT? What's the best way I can study?</p>

<p>Someone please help, thanks!</p>



<p>January as in the January a month away? Prepping for the SAT isn’t magic–you’re not going to see any significant results in only a month. It won’t hurt you to take it so early, but don’t expect to get anywhere near your target score (assuming it’s more than what you scored on the PSATs). Do some searches on this forum for tips on how to study. Your situation is 100% generic, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find some relevant posts.</p>

<p>learn how to spell “disappointed”</p>