Diversity at Cal Poly

I am an Indian male and I will likely attend Cal Poly. I have heard a lot about how the campus diversity is lacking and many minorities feel out of place on campus. Can anyone comment on the diversity on campus?

Here is Cal Poly’s Enrollment by Ethnic Group for Fall 2017

African American 0.7%
Native American 0.1%
Pacific Islander 0.1%
Asian Only 10.8%
Filipino 1.9%
Mexican American 11.8%
Other Latino 4.9%
White 54.8%
Two or more races 7.5%
Unknown 5%
Non-resident Alien 2.3%

Cal Poly is above average in ethnic diversity nationally however, it is still the whitest public university in California. I wouldn’t worry too much about diversity because there are many resources for POC on campus such as the Indian Students Association.

Congrats on your admission! :smile: I’m going there for civil engineering this fall.

I just visited this week. I got the impression that there appeared to be a lot of Asian students on campus. 11% seems surprising to me.

It’s the whitest public university on the west coast.

@sushiritto Yeah when I toured Friday I thought it was around 20%-25% Asian

My son’s girlfriend is Indian. She just graduated in engineering. She seemed to like her time at Cal Poly.

@CharlieEcho35 Thank you and congrats! I think I will be attending majoring in Biology!

Cal poly also has department for Masculinity.


If you dig deeply you’ll find that it was started by a woman in the gender equality center. It houses the innovative sexual misconduct training program that every school should have. The ultimate goal of the program is to end sexual assault. It is a program CP should be proud.

How it is germane to a diversity thread, I don’t know.


The men and masculinity program falls under The same mantle as the other cultural and inclusion programs. It great that cal poly has taken steps to address the pervasive toxic masculinity and sexual misconduct (aka rape) on campus. I agree they should be proud for acknowledging the cultural deficit and taking corrective action.