<p>Wow...this topic so hits me in the heart, cause not only am i black, i am also very far outside of the united states, and cannot be classififed as an African-American....I am a West Indian, im from the Caribbean....ok, umm, so where should i start....im just going to state my own experiences, i dont want to judge what anybody is saying...</p>
<p>This summer..i spent 6 weeks training in Musical Theatre at CMU....which was a life-changing experience, not only did i come from barbados which has NO training in Musical Theatre atall, but i was the only black girl, and i was the only person from outside the united states...and becuase of my lack of training i was WAY behind...
I went there and in the first few weeks the teachers kept on reminding me that i am coming in way behind everybody else, cause everybody else had come from the states, and been in plays, had singing lessons etc....i had nothing...i had come from having nothing, so the first few weeks were HARD...and actually i went ot my first singing class ever when i was there...and could barely get through a song....between my nerves and my voice....my singing teacher there, said she didnt think that this was a wise career choice for me atall, becuase i was so behind and i would have to do college auditions in feb.</p>
<p>honestly, that completly broke my heart, but i didnt let myself down...i liked the fact that i was different and that i was experiencing something new that i loved and could never experience before....so i worked my but off..lol</p>
<p>it amazing when your put in a completly different enviroment, how you can change..i went thorugh so much when i was there, all my friends there had headshots, repitoire for auditions and had typed out resumes and everything.....i remember when i typed out my resume and handed it to my teacher i stayed after class to talk to him and i was like on the top of my resume it says actor/singer/dancer...but everything on my resume is about dancing things that ive done...and then he was jsut like...that means your walking into an audition with a clean slate....nobody know that you can do...so surprise them...and i just loved the fact he said that...</p>
<p>ok,this could so go into a long thing about how CMU has chaged my life...lol..but let me finish up...</p>
<p>The teacher that accepts students for the singing section in the audition at CMU is Gary Kline, and he didnt teach me over the 6 weeks, so i just wanted to meet and talk to him about what he think i should do because of my situation..and we decided to meet up after my final audition...</p>
<p>so i did the audition and i went to talk to him...he such an amazing person...he said how from the moment i started to sing, his mouth dropped opened, he said it was amazing and my toher singing teacher said i had a gift from god(mind you i was bascially crying during this time and was constantly saying thank you)...he said i had such an amazing prescence from the moment i walked into the room,i guess its because im tall, and all the teachers at CMU would also like me to pick up modelling....he said i did better than half the students there...and he was like...think about it....there is NOBODY here like you...do you know how many schools would want you...so many, your tall , beautiful and exotic...and he was like i definelty want you to audition for colleges and for CMU, and he told me to do the chicago unifieds, cause it was easiest in the case of cost etc....he also said that he wanted me to come back in december so he could train me...cause he knew i was goin back to barbados which has no training and he wanted to help...i think god sent his as my angel honestly..i think i was meant to go to CMU and go through all of that and learn so much from it...
i had to beg my parents to go....prove to them how much i wanted it,and they spent over $20,000 to send me there....cause barbadian money is twice that of US dollars...so i am so grateful...</p>
<p>i am so grateful to all the teachers that helped me over this past summer...when i was there also and i had my shakespeare classes...i was so not looking forward to them...cause im from barbados and i have an accent...so that and shakespeare do not match, at all....lol.....but i worked hard and one day we had to present our audition monologues to our styles teacher and i did a Lady Percy monologue, and during it my teacher started crying, she said it was amazing...and i did not realise how much talent was in me...and she told me part of a Nelson Mandela quote which i now have stuck up in my room 'We ask oursleves, who am I to be brillant, talented and fabulous...actually, who are you NOT to be'...she was like kayla who are you not to be, you are truely amazing and you dont even realise it...so she started crying and i hugged her and it ended up being a whole class hug from everybody, and then i left the room crying and called my mum...and just told her...</p>
<p>oh my gosh i could go on about this experience..lol...but im goin to end it with this...this summer really tested me and who i am, becuase i was put into an environment that i was completly foreign to, and form the beginning people were saying i couldnt do it....but i did, and in the process became close with so many teachers and so many friends...it seemed like everybody there wanted to know me, know about me and where i came from...i made soo many friends...and not just like distant-ish, call every once and a while kind of friends....but i made about 40 EXTREMLY close friends (i know the number...cause i just sent out 42 postcards to them in the mail..lol)..and druing the whole time, they helped me and believe in me, even at time i ddint believe in myself...and now i talk to them allll the time..lol..the phone calls and messages are constant....i took 1020 pics when i was there...i needed memories that will last me a life-time..and even a whole bunch of them are planning on coming up to barabdos for sprink-break 07 :-)..lol....and also the teachers...they became my family..whe i was there i could talk to them about ANYTHING, any health problem, anything..and they were always there with open arms.....they have changed my life...and evey day i think about what they have done for me.....
for me it doesnt matter really if i go to a diverse program or not...i will make my footprint there, and it will stay....before the summer i went from being an extremly quiet person, not sure of herself....to believing that everything is possible, you just ahve to work hard, and know that you can do it...i ahev the kind fo personality where i love everybody, i dont discriminate against anybody and thats just how i am...and i guess that why i left with so my people who may be physically far away from me..but they will always be here in my heart...i love them...</p>
<p>so there is my story :-)....sorry about it being so long, i got carried away...</p>
<p>and here is the full Nelson Mandela wuote...i know that some of you guys here are parnets and so teenagers like mee..lol..but also believe in yourslef no matter what situation you are put in...</p>
<p>“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”Nelson Mandela</p>
<p>thanks you guys!...now i have to continue my applications for colleges..lol....the stress! :-)</p>