Do 2nd round applicants need to submit mid year reports? If so, would a C hurt my chances

As the title asks.

If we do, would one C first semester hurt my chances of admission? It’s in honors physics. The rest of my app overall is a 3.8 weighted 3.6 unweighted and my ACT is 30. OOS Illinois.

I’m really really stressing out over this C. The rest of my senior year grades are consistent with the last 3 years and all A’s and B’s. It’s just this one C.

Could this C alone be a determining factor and a make-or-break decision

I actually found out that all freshman applicants are asked to self-report mid-year grades once received.

This C is really making me want to cry. I feel like it could be the difference between choosing an other applicant over me.

I realize that I may or may not be fretting to much over this. I can’t avoid it though as it is natural during the waiting process. Can someone please offer their opinion on this matter? Good news or brutal, anything is welcome.

None of us really know. But I don’t think that one C in an honors course during your senior year will make or break your application to Wisconsin. Best of luck to you.

Did you apply in the first or second notification period @hopefulbadgerplz ?

@Madison85 second.

Well, then i think you have no choice but to submit it before you receive your decision.

@Madison85 the semester hasn’t concluded yet and the first semester grades likely won’t be finalized till the end of this week. That being said, there is a very tiny chance the grade will convert to a B. If it doesn’t, I’ll be distraught but I’ll still submit them anyway. Is it a huge deal though? It’s an honors class anyway so I hope it doesn’t have too much of a bearing on my decision.

Also, UW Madison didn’t menton specifically anywhere on their website that anyone but postponed applicants are required to submit first semester grades. Nobody even received an email about it; it just showed up as an option in the student portal.

You can’t change what happened (the grade) so try not to worry.

I emailed a representative and they said all applications (postponed/accepted) are required to submit mid year grads