Submitting mid-year grades

My decision was postponed, (12/22/14) and now that I have received my final grades I am ready to submit them to UW.

This is a very minor question, but any input would be greatly appreciated. In the comments box you can mention new actives and achievements for your senior year. But, would it be best to simply list out my recent accomplishments or write a short, informal paragraph? I feel that listing them out would be easier on those reviewing it, but a paragraph may also serve more beneficial. I’m leaning towards writing a short statement but I’d love to know what others have done and what has worked the best. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@BaseballBucky‌ Do you mind telling us when you applied and your stats?

@woodbury I applied September 5th, 2014. Heard back December 22nd, 2014.
GPA: 3.71 (W) / 3.67 (UW) - my school doesn’t typically report unweighted
ACT: 28 with 10 on writing
-Spanish Club
-Key Club
-EiC of school yearbook (3rd year member)
-Job outside of school
-National Honor Society
Good essays and letter of recommendation
In-state, no legacy

@BaseballBucky‌ Your is very similar to mine. I applied October 20th, 2014. I haven’t heard back yet, but now I think I could be postponed as well. I submitted my Fall semester grades with comments indicating that I’ve been taking all college level courses for senior year. I also included Spring courses with number of credits.

@woodbury that seems to be the precedent. I wish you luck! Feel free to let me know when you get your decision.

Thanks @BaseballBucky‌ I will let you as soon I hear it. Good luck to you, too!

I have almost the exact same stats as you except I’m not in-state and I’m a legacy and I was also postponed 12/22. I had the same question and when I talked to my counselor they said just to bullet point and not to write a full paragraph. Fingers crossed that you and I get in soon!!!

@acceeptmee23‌ Shoot! I just sent in my grades with a short little paragraph 8-| hope that won’t hurt me. I’ll be hoping for both of us to get in that admit pile! Best of luck

I think a well-written paragraph will do nicely.

@baseballbucky I’ve just found out that I’m admitted. It shows on my Student Center.

@woodbury2010‌ Congrats!

Thank you @baseballbucky ! I strongly believe you will get admitted.

@woodbury2010‌ thank you! This is my dream school, been hoping to go there since I was little. Just submitted grades and an interest letter so it’s back to the waiting game. Best of luck to you next year, hope to join you :slight_smile:

My son’s student portal shows that he needs to submit mid year grades. He waited and did not submit the grades. Today he was admitted.

@CATSCAN2015‌ Congrats! But he will still need to submit them eventually, as it is required for all admitted students.

@Baseballbucky where/how did you send your midyear report?

@catscan2015 where did it say he needed to submit mid year grades. I can’t seem to find information on it.

Does the GC automatically get notification from Georgetown to submit end of semester grades?

@Joe2015‌ there is just a tab to submit them on my student portal, like where you would view your decision.

@Baseballbucky are you referring to the applyweb website? I can’t seem to find??

@Joe2015‌ when you go to MyUW and then open up your student center there should be a new tab that says “Mid year grade report” like right next to your application material status and stuff.