Do adcoms look at the grade/year you took an SAT and adjust it to future retakes?

<p>Do adcoms look at the age/grade/year you took an SAT and adjust it to what you might get in the future?</p>

<p>In 10th grade, I received a 2240: 730 Math, 710 Critical Reading, and 800 Writing. I am debating whether to retake it this upcoming October/November/December. Do adcoms scrutinize the grade I took the SAT in carefully, and might they adjust it to future expectancy (i.e. "oh this person got a 2240 in 10th grade, which means he/she might get a higher score of 2300+ by now")?</p>

<p>I am aiming for Ivies...</p>

<p>Future expectancy? I think that’s a stretch and a half.</p>

<p>Congrats on your great score. Relax</p>

<p>This is why most colleges “super score” the SAT. Your early scores won’t be held against you.</p>