<p>Do adcoms look at the age/grade/year you took an SAT and adjust it to what you might get in the future?</p>
<p>In 10th grade, I received a 2240: 730 Math, 710 Critical Reading, and 800 Writing. (I know I said 2210 in a previous thread; I miscalculated lol). I am debating whether it is worth the stress to retake it this upcoming October/November/December. Do adcoms scrutinize the grade I took the SAT in carefully, and might they adjust it to future expectancy (i.e. "oh this person got a 2240 in 10th grade, which means he/she would get a higher score of 2300+ by now")?</p>
<p>You need to cast a wider net than just the Ivies…fine to apply to those but apply to other schools where you have a more assured chance of acceptance. At the Ivies, you have as good a chance as any of the 10% or less who get accepted.</p>
<p>No. The adcoms are not going to adjust you SAT score to what you might have acheived if you were to have taken it again when you are older. They will look at your highest scores.</p>
<p>Adcoms don’t guess or make assumptions. Check the schools; they will likely use your best scores in each. Nothing wrong with 730 and 710. Retaking it is your choice, but plenty of kids with top scores miss out on the vital “rest of the story.”</p>
<p>If you scored a 2240 in 10th grade, stands to reason you’d do well as a junior and senior. Did you study hard for that 2240? You’re obviously bright. Agree that if you’re really aiming for Ivies, then you should retake. Also agree that you need to make sure that you have a balanced list.</p>
<p>If studying for the SAT along with the rest of your homework is stressful, perhaps the Ivy’s aren’t a good fit for you. Ad Comms will expect to see tests taken at the end of junior year/beginning of senior year, especially Ivy’s.</p>
<p>If I were you I would take it two more times. Focus solely on the math for one sitting and solely on the critical reading the next sitting. You already have 800 on the writing.</p>
<p>They won’t adjust it and give you credit for a higher score. But, at schools that do not super score usually will ignore an older score in those cases. My daughter took the SAT early in high school to qualify for a gifted program. Now she will retake it in her senior year.</p>
<p>Both my kids did markedly better when they took the SAT after junior year, with just a little bit of prep. You really learn and grow a lot during year. I’d take the SAT once more–maybe the June testing date.</p>