Do admission chances vary by major?

<p>Can't really find the answer to this anywhere. I'm really undecided between two completely different majors. History is my original choice (in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences) but am also interested in the Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise major in the College of Ag and Life Sciences.</p>

<p>Will my admission chances be better in one vs. the other?</p>

<p>if you are admitted to one major but change your mid before enrolling next year, can you change majors then?</p>

<p>Question 1: Yes, admission statistics vary by college. See this link:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Question 2: Change majors after admission - before enrollment. Probably, but you need to ask the school.</p>

<p>Yes they’re different. Don’t count on being able to change majors before enrollment, especially if you’re talking about changing to one that is harder to get in to. You’re not the first to hit on that idea.</p>

<p>HNF&E was full at orientation this year. If it fills up again you’ll have to wait to change majors or add it as a 2nd major.</p>

<p>Not really helping with the topic, but every person I know who has an HFNE major say they love it; if it helps in determining things. They say its like biology and cooking classes.</p>